6.03 Goldfish Experiment

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Cautiously take the goldfish out of its container and set it in the Ziploc bag that is filled
1/3 of the original water the fish was in.
2. Then put the Ziploc bag in a beaker that is 1/3 filled with room temperature water (21°C or 70°F)
3. Allow the goldfish to adapt to the temperature for one minute
4. Place a thermometer into the Ziploc bag and record the number of times the goldsifh opens and closes its mouth in a period of one minute onto your data table
5. Record the number of times the goldfish opens and closes its mouth
6. Take the Ziploc bag out of the beaker and add the crushed ice little by little to decrease the temperature 12 degrees below the room temperature
7. Put the bag into the beaker again and check the temperature with

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