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Throughout the novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, there are three scaffold scenes, each scene provides a change in meaning but is equally as important. The first scene is shown at the beginning of the novel. Hester Prynne is on the Scaffold holding an infant child whose name is Pearl, which is discovered later. She is being charged with adultery and will not reveal to the authorities who the father of her child is. The second scaffold scene is portrayed towards the middle of the novel when Aurthur Dimmesdale, who is the reverend of the of Boston, Massachusetts, is standing on the scaffold by himself in the middle of the night. While Dimmesdale is there Hester and Pearl happen to be coming home from Governor Winthrop’s death bed, passing by the scaffold. Dimmesdale proceeds to ask the two to join him in standing on the scaffold and they accept the offer. The third scaffold scene is at the end of the novel in which Dimmesdale publicly is seen for his part in the sin that created Pearl and then he slowly sinks down into his demise. Each of these scenes has a different me...

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