12 Angry Men: The Gladding Model Of Group Stages

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The film “12 Angry Men “by Reginald Rose was about a 16-year-old boy who was on trial for murdering his father. I thought this movie was very interesting and a great example of groups dynamics and stages. After watching and analyzing the concept I decided to discuss the Gladding models of group stages and how it relates to this movie. Formation Stage The first stage of Gladding models of groups is called the Formation stage. During this process is when you would explore group member’s expectations and get acquainted. Educating yourself on gender ethnicities and cultural backgrounds can be done by interacting with individuals. It is very important to consider these concepts while forming a counseling relationship. Building trust and relationship …show more content…

This phase happens when a group evolves into a more productive level. Groups that are cohesive, productive, and efficient are the ones that are more effective and work better together (Gladding, 2016). Group unity and cohesion is created as the 8th juror educates the other jurors more about the constitution “burden of proof “. He reminds them the meaning of this word which is innocent until proven guilty. He strongly believes that with the evidence presented, the young man is still innocent. It was at this point juror 8 had the other jurors really thinking and doubting their initial votes. Many began thinking about their own biases and replaying the case in their minds. By this point many of the jurors asked for a re-vote, resulting in 3 voting not guilty at this point. It is evident that the group is becoming more focused on the overall goal. It seems to me that the group members are actually listening and trusting what the 8th juror is saying. With the votes changing it is causing the 3rd juror to become more frustrated and rude towards the other jurors. However, that doesn’t seem to bother or intimidate the others as they continue to remain focus on the task and work more effectively as a …show more content…

After a lot of convincing and redirecting the group was able to get through the juror. One finial unanimous vote was done and the 3rd juror who had been difficult the entire case was force to set aside his prejudice thoughts and vote not guilty. It was at the point the jurors had finally agreed on a verdict for the murder case. The Closing phase was definitely more obvious in the movie than any other stage. There were changes in behaviors, as the gentlemen became more responsive and nicer towards one another. This was evident when a few of the jurors helped on another put their coats on or even when some of the group members introduce themselves before exiting the building. The closing phase was also present as the men were walking out the building down the stairs. The older juror aske #8 juror what his name was, after being impressed with how he handled himself throughout the entire case and how he eventually emerged as the

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