12 Angry Men Chapter Summaries

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“Hoover and his buddies believed working people needed poverty to persuade them to lead good lives,” Dad said as he frowned, showing his discomfort. “They believed if you were starving, you would work for starvation wages,” John said. “Keep them hungry and they’ll work for food and live in the fields.” “I hate to see those vets with signs: ‘Will Work for Food,’” John said. “We can feed them or shoot them.” “General MacArthur had his troops shoot my grandfather.” “You’re kidding?” Dad asked. “I’m not b-s-ing you. Their aim was high, and they hit a tree in the Bonus Army camp. Still, he was chased out by the cavalry.” “Shot your grandfather?” “That’s what my dad said.” In addition, John went onto explain how the WWI veterans marched on the capital

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