Negative Essay: The Effects Of Watching Too Much Television

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The Effects of Watching Too Much TV
Television has become one of the major entertainment providers in our modern life. It sits in the living room of about almost every home in the world and it is the one thing that most people like to come home to after a long day of work or school. Not only does it give us something to laugh or get scared at but it also provides us with valuable information about what is happening around our local community and around different places in the world. But, as good as this sounds, Television may be affecting us without even realizing it. Being one of the major distractors in today 's society, it gets us attached to its content in which a lot of people spend a lot of their time watching. Being thus, watching too …show more content…

To many children, TV can be appealing because they find the colorful cartoons interesting and instantly catches their attention. But, as entertaining and fun Television can be, spending too much time looking at your big fifty inch flat screen TV can eventually impact your life. It seems like if you just spend all your time sitting on the couch, you may find yourself preparing fast meals, such as a ham sandwich thrown with some potato chips on a plate or just driving to buying something from McDonald’s. But this can eventually affect your health. If we give Television too much attention it can also affect relationships with parents, siblings or a partner. It can slowly become an easy addiction to come home to, sit on the couch and spend the rest of the day watching all the shows we like. Lastly, too much Television can affect our mood which can lead to certain thinking and …show more content…

Some individuals may decide to spend their free time watching television to fulfill their entertainment, ignoring the fact that they are also missing out on their time as a family. Television can become so addictive to the point where people are putting their full attention on it and leaving out their communication with their parents, children, siblings, partner etc. We choose to sit on a sofa by ourselves instead of going out with the persons we do not get to see as often, talking to a friend on the phone, or eating dinner with our family to share how each other 's day was. It may seem unreal, but if we waste our time watching too much Television it may cause a lack of communication among the people we love. Without knowing we may be getting further apart from them and affecting the relationship we have built. I can assuredly say this because I have experienced it in my past. When I was younger, my favorite part about getting home from school was that I was free to do whatever I wanted to do after doing homework and chores around the house. I chose to sit on my couch and watch TV for the rest of the evening almost every single day. My parents started noticing that I was spending too much time watching TV but I always denied it and thought that there was no such thing as “too much”. Eventually my relationship with my parents started failing and I noticed that I was not communicating with

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