Soccer Concussions Essay

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Soccer players have a six inch shin guard that players use to protect their shins; other than that they have no form of protection. Soccer is a very physical sport, body to body, head to head, player verses player. Soccer players can end up with bruises, broken bones, sprained ankles, or even scratches. There is something worse that many soccer players receive while playing the game. In the article Soccer concussions: getting the facts, there was a study done in 2011 that stated that there was “92,505 concussions in high school soccer.” The same article states that two thirds of college athletes get concussions. There are things being done to protect players from concussions like new rules FIFA is trying to implement. There are only a few preventative …show more content…

Athletes are at a much greater risk to receive a concussions at least those who play contact sports. Specifically soccer players have an even higher chance to get a concussion. In the article FIFA my mandate concussion breaks in soccer games, it says “soccer players suffer from head injuries than softball, wrestling, basketball, and baseball players combined.” Many people who watch soccer may think that soccer players get concussions from heading the ball. On the contrary to the popular belief in the article Soccer concussions: getting the facts, it says that “concussions in soccer are not caused by heading the ball.” In soccer there are no rules saying that soccer players have to wear something to protect their head. There are so many ways for one to get a concussion in soccer because of the lack of head protection. One could get a concussion by head to head contact, a knee to the temple, or even hitting their head on the ground. Concussions can cause brain damage and for soccer players who are at a higher risk can receive a significant amount of brain damage before the age of …show more content…

In high school I received a concussion when I went up for a header and instead got hit in the head by an opponent. After the game I felt some of the symptoms of a concussion like headache, nausea, and I was irritated by light. I played two more games with a concussion until I felt so horrible that I had to come forward about my concussion. The trainer at my school had me take a test called the impact test. This test basically compares results one would take earlier without a concussions to the results of someone with a concussion. I failed this test. So I was sent to the doctor they took scans of my brain to make sure it was ok. The doctor also said I could not leave my house and I could not read, watch TV, be on my phone, or participate in strenuous activity. I was strictly aloud to nothing and couldn’t sleep except at night. I had to do this for a week and a half. Then my doctor said I had to take the impact test and see if I could

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