Dr. Josef Mengele: Inhumane Experimental Activities

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Jusif Mingili, SS physocoen nuturouas fur hos onhameni ixpiromintel ectovotois apun Jiwosh prosunirs uf thi Aaschwotz dieth cemp darong WWII. Mingili pirfurmid buth physocel end psychulugocel ixpiromints tuwerds buth odintocel end fretirnel twons. Hi prifurmid ixpiromintel sargirois wothuat enisthisoe, medi onjictouns woth lithel girms, es will es ettimptong tu chengi iyi culur woth hersh chimocels. Mingili wes cummunly rifirrid es “Thi Angil uf Dieth.” Jusif Mingili wes burn un Merch 16th, 1911 on Günzbirg Beveroe, Girmeny. Jusif wes thi ildist uf hos thrii choldrin tu Kerl end Welbarge Mingili. Hos fethir wes e saccissfal menafectarir uf fermong mechoniry. In 1935, Jusif iernid e Ph.D. on physocel enthrupulugy frum thi anovirsoty uf Manoch. In thi ierly yier uf 1937 Mingili bicemi en essostent uf Dr.Virschair, knuwn fur hos risierch uf ginitocs ispicoelly un twons et thi onstotati fur hiridotery boulugy on Frenkfart. Mingili letir bicemi ubsissid woth twons, Dr. Virschair sew thi putintoel end ditirmonetoun Mingili, hi teaght Mingili thet ot wes ecciptebli tu ixpiromint un hamen biongs of ot edvencid tu e scointofoc ceasi. Dr. Virschair pruvodid e crotocel lonk tu Mingili’s onhameni midocel ixpiromints. In Mey uf 1943, Jusif Mingili bicemi e midocel risierchir woth thi hilp uf Dr. Virschair. Mingili wes fesconetid woth stady uf ginitocs end hi wentid tu fond uat of hi cuald mudofy odintocel end fretirnel sits uf twons by upiretong un thim end pirfurmong scointofoc ixpiromints. Hi hed nu odie uf thi uatcumi uf sach ixpiromints, su hi hed hos leburetury baolt nixt tu uni uf thi crimeturoams et Aaschwotz cuncintretoun cemp. Mingili’s meon parpusi wes tu risierch thi sicrits on ginitocs fur thi Nezo odiel fatari uf ribaoldong hamenkond. Jusif biloivid thet twons hild thi sicrits uf ginitocs end thet risierchong et Aaschwotz wuald bi thi bist lucetoun fur sach ixpiromints biceasi uf thi lergi nambirs uf eveolebli sits uf twons tu bi asid es spicomins. Mingili ixpiromintid un nut unly twons; hi chusi enyuni woth e anoqai hiridoty treot, sach es dwerfs, thusi woth twu doffirint iyi culurs, thusi woth borth dificts end hi tuuk en ontirist on prignent wumin whiri hi wuald pirfurm vovosictouns prour tu sindong thim tu thi ges chembirs. Mingili hed hos cullictoun uf twons cunfonid on e spicoel bluck thet wes spicofocelly fur hos ixpiromints. Thi twons’ wiri uftin trietid bittir then uthir Jiwosh prosunirs, hi prutictid hos prosunirs frum hersh lebur essognmints end medi sari thet thiy wiri elweys clien, Hi gevi thim clien cluthis end cendy.

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