Do Humans (Homo sapiens) Maximize the Number of Food Items Per Foraging Run? A Test of the Marginal Value Theorem

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Organisms such as starlings and honeybees appear to forage based on the marginal value theorem. This experiment tested whether humans could forage in like manner. An equal number of students took long and short routes to the foraging patch and collected simulated food items in a way that simulated diminishing marginal returns. Data on travel time, foraging time, and number of food items collected were collected. The data differed significantly from the calculated optimal values. This may be a result of low number of trips between the foraging patch and the simulated dwelling.


When animals forage, many factors become involved. They include the location of the food, its distance from the animals’ dwelling, and the quantity to be returned, among other things. Economic models, such as the marginal value theorem, can be used to predict the outcomes of many of these factors.

According to the marginal value theorem (Fig. 1), the food intake rate of the forager decreases with the time spent in the foraging patch (Charnov 1974).

Fig. 1. A graph of the marginal value theorem from Krebs (1993). The asymptotic curve represents food intake. The optimal number of food items to take is found by drawing a line from the travel time to the patch to the steepest point possible on the curve.

This model can be applied to a wide range of situations based on the factor to be maximized. Honeybees apparently maximize energetic efficiency, but other factors are possible (Schmid-Hempel et al. 1985). For example, the starling (Sturnus vulgaris) apparently maximizes feeding rate according to the marginal value theorem (Kacelnik 1984).

Our objective was to determine whether humans would optimize foraging behavio...

... middle of paper ... Those numbers match ours more closely. However, Schmid-Hempel et al. found that honeybees maximize energy efficiency rather than number of food items per run. Repeating our experiment with a factor other then number of M & Ms to maximize may yield more interesting data about the ways in which the student sample would forage.

Works Cited
Charnov, E. L. 1974. Optimal Foraging, the Marginal Value Theorem. Theoretical Population Biology, 9, 129-136.

Kacelnik, A. 1984. Central Place Foraging in Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). I. Patch Residence Time. Journal of Animal Ecology. 53, 283-299.

Krebs, J. R. & Davies, N. B. 1993. An Introduction to Behaviourial Ecology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Schmid-Hempel, P., Kacelnik, A., & Houston, A. I. 1985. Honeybees Maximize Efficiency by Not Filling Their Crop. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 17, 61-66.

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