Descartes Meditation On The Argument That The Idea Of God Cannot Be Proceed From God?

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The philosophy topic that I chose was from Descartes meditation on the argument that the idea of god cannot be proceed from myself. I originally wanted to talk about Descartes existent of god but that was a to large of a topic so I went with one of the smaller topics in that one. This topic is important because in Descartes’ hunt for certain knowledge, such as knowledge of mathematics or that the physical world exist. In doing so Descartes needs to extinguish the possibility of the skeptic and to do that he needs to prove god’s existence. Descartes dose provided a seemingly convincing argument that the idea of God could not have proceeded from himself, the argument lacked strong proof.
In Meditation three Descartes claims that God is an idea …show more content…

From this Descartes creates a type of cosmological argument to show that the idea of God must be innate and therefore cannot be produced from him. The argument from here has two main concepts; the first is that everything has a cause and if everything in nature has a cause then, to avoid an infinite regression, the cause itself has to be something outside of …show more content…

In Descartes causal principle of cause is always equal and greater then its effect, we can argue that things don’t have to have the same properties as the things it cause to exist. This could be demonstrated in hydrogen that is completely different then the helium that was fused to make it. So the idea that God an infinite substance could not have originated in me, since I am a finite substance could be brought to question. That being said in the third Meditation in his idea of God Descartes says that “in God an infinity of things that I cannot comprehend, nor perhaps even compass by though in any way.”(Descartes) Though unfortunately for Descartes a person can have somewhat of an idea of infinity that is not innate. If you take some paper and scissors and start cutting the paper in to pieces, you would start to relies that this proses of repetition will produce an infinite number of infinitely little paper. So there is a possibility that you could understand the infinity of properties that make up

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