The Equality Of Women In The Declaration Of Independence

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The Founding Fathers created the Declaration of Independence with the intention of establishing a country based on equality. Despite this intention, women were purposely left out. The first few lines of the Declaration of Independence show inequality instantly: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” (“Declaration of Independence”). The usage of “men” immediately disregards the whole other half of the population—women. What happened to them? Why were they deliberately excluded? As students, people learn that the American Revolution brought Americans independence and equality, but it is conspicuous that it did not bring everyone equality. Despite the Seneca Falls Convention and the fact that women have …show more content…

Sixty- nine years after the Declaration of Independence, one group of women gathered together and formed the Seneca Falls Convention. Prior and subsequent to the convention, women were not allowed to vote because they were not considered equal to men. During the convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton delivered the “Declaration of Sentiments.” It intentionally resembles the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal…” (Stanton, 466). She replaced the “men” with “men and women” to represent that women and men should be treated equally. Stanton and the other women in the convention tried to fight for voting rights. Dismally, when the Equal Rights Amendment was introduced to the Congress, the act failed to be passed. Even though women voiced their opinions out and urged for justice, they could not get 2/3 of the states to agree to pass the amendment. Women wanted to tackle on the voting inequalities, but was resulted with more inequalities because people failed to listen to them. One reason why women did not achieve their goals was because the image of the traditional roles of women was difficult to break through. During this time period, many people believed that women should remain as traditional housewives.

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