The Importance Of The American Dream In Death Of A Salesman

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George Carlin, one of the well known American comedian once said, “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” In other words, the American Dream is just a dream and in order for a person to believe it they must be asleep so they can dream it. When a person sleeps they can dream of anything but it is up to our fate to make it true or not. Similarly, there are many people whom have lived for the American Dream and are still continuing to pursue it not knowing the consequences of it. Many individuals don’t even recognize that a dream cannot bring everything for us it is an illusion that often leads to an destructive outcome if it is taken too seriously. Similarly, in the play Death of a Salesman by …show more content…

As stated in the article, Why half of U.S. adults no longer believe in the American dream by Simone Pathe “Nearly half of Americans who once believed in the American dream (defined as the belief that if you work hard, you’ll get ahead) think it no longer exists” (Pathe) reveals that people who once believed that the American dream was achievable is now concluding the opposite. Many recognize this soon, where others recognize that the American Dream does not exist after working hard several years but still not achieving anything. Similarly, in the play Willy mentions “Work a lifetime to pay off a house. You finally own it, and there 's nobody to live in it” (Miller 15). These lines reveal that a person works hard throughout their life either to pay off their house or something else that the own not knowing that sometimes it too late. Willy in this quote does recognize that achieving the American Dream is difficult and also takes too long to achieve it if it is possible to. In addition as Biff states in the play, “He had the wrong dreams. All, all wrong” (Miller 138) reveals that his father was probably dreaming for too much. This line was stated at Willy’s funeral in which Biff explains that Willy’s dream of the American Dream was just an illusion. Instead, Willy ended up killing himself because of the dream that he carried on was proven to be wrong. As you can see, Willy and his son always felt that they were dreaming of something achievable until later on when they discovered that the American Dream was just a dream far from reach like other Americans in the United

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