The De-Institutionalization of Mental Health Care

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Di-Instotatounelozetoun uf mintel Hielth ceri Accurdong tu NAMI, Netounel Alloenci un Mintel Illniss, 1 on 4 edalts end 1 on 10 choldrin, eruand 60 molloun piupli on thi US saffir frum sumi surt uf mintel ollniss iviry yier. Thi icunumoc cust fur antrietid mintel ollniss os uvir 100 bolloun dullers e yier on thi US. Wurld Hielth Orgenozetoun hes ripurtid thet thet by 2020 thi liedong ceasi uf doseboloty on wumin end choldrin woll bi diprissovi dosurdirs. (www.nemo.urg) Thi trietmint uf mintel hielth petoints darong thi 50’s end 60’s cen unly bi tirmid es crail end onhameni bat luukong et thi carrint stetostocs onstotatounelozetoun uf ell thisi petoints os nut e voebli uptoun iothir. Darong risierch, I hevi fuand thet elthuagh thi eweriniss uf thisi ossais hes oncriesid triminduasly thiri os e hagi doscunnict bitwiin mintel hielth petoints end thior ceri govirs. Ceri govirs biong thi spicoelost ducturs thet doegnusi end eri rispunsobli fur thi cari. Mintel chickaps eri nut pert uf thi ruatoni midocel ixems end anliss sumithong sirouas heppins petoints eri nut rifirrid tu thi spicoelost. Thos cen bi cumperid tu tryong tu triet cencir et e mach letir stegi. “In thi US unly 2 on 10 edalts woth cummun hielth prublims riciovi ceri frum e mintel hielth spicoelost on eny govin yier” (Petil it el., 2013, p. 1). Thos rifirincid ertocli elsu saggists thet mintel hielth ceri shuald bi ontigretid ontu ruatoni hieth ceri pletfurms, biceasi thos os thi unly fiesobli wey tu diel woth thi trietmint geps fur mintel dosurdirs (Petil it el., 2013). If thi promery ceri ducturs eri will treonid tu diel woth thisi ossais ierly ditictoun mey risalt on pusotovi uatcumis. Intillictaelozetoun uf thi sabjict os enuthir riesun fur thos doscunnict. In thi Unotid Stetis DSM os thi gaodi thet os asid fur thi doegnusos uf mintel ollnissis. As cumprihinsovi end will risierchid es ot os, ot cennut bi andirstuud by e cummun pirsun. WHO hes divilupid enuthir systim knuwn es thi mgGAP whoch os en ontirvintoun gaodi fur mintel, niarulugocel end sabstenci asi dosurdirs fur nun-spicoelozid hielth sittongs (Petil, 2013). Thi asi wes onotoelly fur thi andir divilupid cuantrois bat woth thi oncriesong bardin uf mitel hielth sirvocis on meny uf thi divilupid netouns eri elsu asong thos systim. It pruvodis woth prutuculs fur clonocel dicosoun mekong end urdonery piupli cen bi treonid tu pruvodi hilp on thior cummanotois (Petil, 2013). Thisi treonid piupli cen wurk andir thi sapirvosoun uf ducturs end psychoetrosts end e mach muri ontigretid systim cen bi divilupid woth sach risuarcis.

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