Daphne Du Marier's Rebecca

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Some may think Daphne Du Marier’s Rebecca is a well written tale with extremely complex characters, who throughout the book go through enormous character development. They might say the dark, bruiting feel of the novel keeps the reader wanting, and coming back for more. They could say the erotic and criminal elements of the story; make the novel interesting for both genders. Yes, this could be true for the 45 year old mum trying to re-live her younger, more erotic years. Or to the most boring person on the planet willing to spend hours, or even moments of their lives reading this insufferable garbage some people think is literary genius. Du Marier really doesn’t delve much into any of the characters backgrounds except for Maxims, and even his isn’t really anything to great. She gives very few details about anyone’s past personal lives, and only makes small indications towards them. Take for example the unnamed protagonist, all we know about her is that, she has no family and her dad was an artist. So how are we meant to empathise with this character? How are we meant to do that when we only know two minor things about her life before Manderly and we don’t even know her name? She’s not even considered a person, and we’re meant to empathise with her, how does that work? Next is her personality, she is a dull, uninteresting, immature, naïve girl and this sets a bad atmosphere for the rest of the novel.

I will admit that there is a small amount of character development in the novel; however we can only see this in the narrator. All that happens is she gives Mrs Danvers an order, yes well done, gold star to you, but to be perfectly honest that’s a bit pathetic. You want her to slam her fist and yell at her, but no she is unab...

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... a paragraph without getting nearly three pieces of imagery exactly like this. So the writing as a whole becomes way too hard to read and gets extremely boring very fast.
As a whole I didn’t like the novel, and I don’t think anyone from the ages of 5-35 would like this novel. Characters are poorly written and there’s more character regression than progression. It’s too anti-feminist to the point when most woman would get offended and the writing made it too hard to read.

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“And all the while, there’s Maxim, patting her head like a dog if she pleases him, frowning if she doesn’t. I saw too many signs of a perfect victim within his wife, and it greatly disturbed me. She became constantly aware of his moods, adjusted her own behaviours to compensate for them, steered conversations if she worried that they might be heading down roads that might upset him.”

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