Crimes Against Persons

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In this paper I will be talking about a couple of different crimes against people. Also according to statistics where you are more lightly to be a victim of one of these crimes. These statistics also show if your nationality might have an impact on you becoming a victim. Crimes against people can come in different forms unfortunately and from different people. So you never know who might committee the crime or against whom unless they have a pattern in killing for instance serial killers usually have a pattern. Any direst harm or force against another person. For instance stalking is a crime against a person because it does not require a threat or physical force to be a crime. As you learn more about these crimes you will notice that for some of them you do not need to show malice. Malice means the intent to take someone life without legal justification or mitigation. Pretty much you know you know you wanted that person dead and you didn’t care if you got caught and planned the whole thing in advance. They are a lot of crimes against people but I will only talk about three different kinds of crimes against people they are aggravated assault, sexual assault, and homicide.

Aggravated assault is a serious offense in Georgia you may get anywhere from one year to twenty years in prison. Aggravated assault is defined as an attack by one person upon another with the intent of inflicting serious bodily injury. In an aggravated assault there will always be a weapon in use or to threaten with. According to Holzman black women are at a greater risk of being attack.

The data came from the second phase of a 1998 Department of Housing and Urban Development study that used geographic information systems to measure levels of crime in and aroun...

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...ndant acts in a careless manner and it results in a death of a person. When they say being reckless they mean acting in a manner that generates a significant risk to death. As explained above, if the suspect acted in a manner that is careless as to a high probability of death, they will be charge with second degree murder, not involuntary manslaughter.

Works Cited

Holzman, H. R., Hyatt, R. A., & Dempster, J. M. (2001, 06). Patterns of Aggravated Assault in Public Housing. Retrieved 09 27, 2011, from National Criminal Justice Reference Service:

Prentky, R. A., Burgess, A. W., & Carter, D. L. (1986). Victim Responses by Rapist Type - An Empirical and Clinical Analysis. Retrieved 09 27, 2011, from National Criminal Justice Reference Service:

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