What Is The Difference Between Web Dubois And Booker T Washington

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FRS 2000 Research Paper
The controversial discourse on race between W.E.B DuBois and Booker T. Washington defined much of the social, political, and economic issues in Black Harlem and other African
American communities in the United States during 1910-1930. These two Black intellectual leaders supported entirely diverse views on how to empower and aid African Americans in freeing themselves from their often subhuman conditions. Although they share different perspectives on how African Americans can achieve equality towards gaining civil rights, they shared the same idea to uplift the Black race. Booker T. Washington defined Black Americans’ place within the union as workers who contributed to the machine that already was America and
pushed …show more content…

Harlan). Not only did African Americans have to settle with the inequalities but
Washington believed participating in the economic developments of the New South.
“What distinguished Washington from DuBois and many other African American leaders of the early 20th century was his philosophy that Black Americans had to keep ever faithful to the virtues of sacrifice, discipline, delayed gratification, and most important, economic salvation for their own communities (Johnson, K. V., & Watson, E).” Contrary to the upbringing of
Washington, W.E.B DuBois was born free to a white French father, Alfred DuBois, and Mary
Burghart DuBois, a Black woman, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, in 1869. “Unlike many
Americans (Black or White) of the time period, his stellar educational opportunities afforded him a national platform for him to espouse his message (Johnson, K. V., & Watson, E).” He …show more content…

Moreover, I agree with W.E.B DuBois position on how to gain justice, he stresses having equal rights, being educated, and advocating for change in the African American community without just settling and trying to please the White society. In his speech “Let Us Reason
Together” he states, “the line between just resistance and angry retaliation is hard or easy, we must draw it carefully, not in wild resentment, but in grim and sober consideration: and then back of the impregnable fortress of the Divine Right of Self-Defense, which is sanctioned by every law of God and man, in every land, civilized and uncivilized, we must take our unfaltering stand.”He is letting his people know that we will not tolerate such treatment and will rebel against the “norm” of society. Although he is encouraging us to rebel he is not saying it is right to take your anger out on any white man and must choose our battles carefully.
Imelda Hunt:
Good transition

When looking at the two opposing arguments I can see their perspectives are founded by what they dealt with on the daily. Stated early, Washington was freed from slavery as a child

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