Conformity In Arlie Russell's Stranger In Their Own Land

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Conformity: compliance with standards, rules, or laws. This theme was clearly presented in the book Stranger in Their Own Land by Arlie Russell. This book is about the sociologist Arlie Russell’s journey, or experience visiting the “red states” of America to try and find out the point of view of conservatives, as she herself was liberal. She takes on this experience to learn more on our countries divided political views and see what we could agree on, or at least compromise on. In this book, I believe conformity is a big theme because many of the people Russell interviewed may have considered themselves patriotic and nationalistic. These two words resonate strongly with conformity in the way that everyone goes with the standards of America, or at least the conservatives do. The theme rebellion is also a big theme in this book because there are always people that disagree or go against the norms and rebel towards America. Russell also explores that theme in the book. The Latehomecomer doesn’t fit those themes because it for other themes like family and struggle. Conformity is a big and strong theme because many of the interviewed people in this book consider themselves …show more content…

In this powerful family memoir the themes struggle and family come up a lot instead of conformity and rebellion. This making the book unfit for those themes. An example of the theme of family is told by Yang, “It had been a long time since my family had been in position to say goodbye to those we loved in such a formal way. There had been no funerals in the jungle… In America, after all these years, we had the work of a Hmong funeral before us.” (pg. 250) This quote is a clear example of the theme family in this book. There are many more of these examples in this book. Thir proves that this book is unfit for the themes conformity and

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