The Struggle Between The Working Class And Communism In The Communist Manifesto?

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In The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the two German philosophers saw history as the struggle between the working class and the Bourgeois, or middle class (textbook 708). The Communist Manifesto was written in 1848, during the peak of the Industrial Revolution, a time when the Bourgeois made huge profits in manufacturing at the expense of the working class. According to Marx and Engels, the fruits of the Industrial Revolution created a new class of the oppressed modern working class, the Proletariat, which had never before existed because it was neither like serfdom or slave hood in that it was dependent on the Bourgeois to hire them for wage labor. This was the class the two philosophers envisioned would set off a revolution that would overthrow capitalism to end the perpetual class struggle and create a fair society known as Communism. The Bourgeois emerged from “the ruins of feudal society” that once ruled Europe and went on to establish their rule the Industrial Revolution (textbook 708). The Industrial Revolution saw the innovation of the steam engine and machines that could do the same work skilled craftsmen did at half the price in factories. In his “Draft of Communist Confession of Faith” The Communist Manifesto co-author Friedrich Engels traces the development of the Proletariat …show more content…

Slaves were property and serfs were required to give most of their harvest and labor to their landlords, however even they “guaranteed subsistence” that a Proletariat did not, according to Engels’s “Draft of a Communist Confession of Faith”. The serf could work harder to increase his part of the harvest, however no matter how hard the Proletariat worked his wage would remain the same. The Proletariat was not owned like a slave to one master, however figuratively the Proletariat was a slave to the Bourgeois class, if they did not work, they did not eat

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