Commitment is My Greatest Quality

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Commitment is more than a promise to do or give something. It is the state or quality of being dedicated and maintaining an attitude of someone who works extremely hard to do or support something. Commitment not only requires full attention, but also requires diversity. A person who processes the quality of commitment should be very responsible and well-rounded. I believe I am a person who represents this unique quality by processing patriotism, willingness to place service above self, ability to set goals and achieve them, friendliness and helpfulness, diverse interests, strong work ethic, confidence and leadership, and a strong sense of humor. Memorial Day isn’t just a day off of school or work; it is an annual holiday in which to be supportive of all past and present veterans. Since my father is a former military veteran, my family and I attend many local parades dedicated to veterans. We usually spend Independence Day honoring our country with fireworks and spend a day in Washington on Memorial Day. In addition, my love for my country has led me to place the service of others above myself. I have recently joined the volunteer program for Lancaster General Hospital on the neurology floor which cares for cardiac arrest and stroke patients. Having explored and benefited from my volunteer process at Lancaster General Hospital, I have decided to pursue a career in the medical field. Goal setting is one of the most needed abilities in life. It is what keeps a person motivated to reach a certain checkpoint throughout their lifetime. I have found myself to practice goal setting in sports, school, work, and my future. For example, I set the goal to earn all A’s in my courses and earn a medal in track and field by st... ... middle of paper ... always stop and laugh when the times are tough. Not only has it improved a healthy social life for me, but also allows me to see things from many perspectives other than the most obvious, to be spontaneous, grasp unconventional ideas or ways of thinking, see beyond the surface of things , and enjoy and participate in the playful aspects of life. A person who processes the quality of commitment should be very responsible and well-rounded. I believe I am a person who represents this unique quality by processing patriotism, willingness to place service above self, ability to set goals and achieve them, friendliness and helpfulness, diverse interests, strong work ethic, confidence and leadership, and a strong sense of humor. Commitment is more than a promise to do or give something. It is the representation and dedication of an assiduous person in everyday life.

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