Chris McCandless is a True Transcendentalist

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"So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of SECURITY, CONFORMITY and CONSERVATISM, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind. But in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit of a man than a secure future...."(Krakauer, 58). To be a transcendentalist you have to be unsure, at all times. You have to completely trust your gut and believe that you know you are doing the right thing. Chris McCandless, the protagonist of Into the Wild did just that. He trusted his gut when he believed that he would find himself by changing his whole entire planned out life by society’s standards. He is the ideal of a transcendentalist.

The idea of Chris McCandless being a transcendentalist might be a bit far fetched to some people, yet McCandless shows many aspects of doing so. Being a transcendentalist is not a simple pleasure for some. You need to be dedicated, but not too dedicated. You need to be carefree, yet you still need to know your morals. It is simply a balancing act that is not everyone's ideal. Chris McCandless on the other hand, knew exactly what he was doing without even trying. He did not think of himself as a transcendentalist, he just saw himself as a creation of nature, or maybe even as Alexander Supertramp. McCandless was not always seen as a transcendentalist however, is it even sure that McCandless knew he was affiliated with transcendentalism.

Jon Krakauer interpreted his own ideas of transcendentalism while creating the novel Into the Wild. Krakauer believed that McCandless plays a very important role in the idea of a transcendentalist. He created Into the Wild by telling the riveting...

... middle of paper ... in this world. He simply just needed to get in tune with himself and also nature in some aspects. Chris McCandless wasn’t just another kid who wants to figure out who they are in their early stages of their adult life. McCandless was a transcendentalist. He went against the rules, and against society because he knew that is what he needed to do, but solely, what he wanted to do. Chris McCandless made an impact in this world to anyone who discovers extraordinary facts about him. His impact he has on the idea of transcendentalism is beyond anyone who tries. He is one of the greats, one to be remembered for quite some time.

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