Bridging The Word Gap Essay

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Children are our future and for their future and therefore, ours to be a bright one, they must have a positive beginning. There have been many studies about the plight of the poor and the language/ comprehension gap between them and their more affluent classmates. Many programs have been started in an attempt to eliminate the word gap between children of different socioeconomic background; nothing seems to be a permanent solution. The web site zero to three states “A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to three producing 700 new neural connections every second. This growing brain development is influenced by many factors, including a child’s relationships, experience, and environment.” During the zero to three stages, a child needs to be given positive reinforcement along with meaningful conversation. During this critical learning period, it is likely that a low-income parent spends less time talking to their babies than wealthy parents. It is estimated that in a year, lower income children have had fewer language …show more content…

This discrepancy in word experiences seems to be one of the leading causes of the word gap. …show more content…

For children of lower income communities to rise out of poverty, they must be educated; and for them to prosper in school and receive an education they must breach the word gap and create a sound foundation in the language. With a strong foundation in language, reading and comprehension become easier to grasp; therefore school is more enjoyable, and they are less likely to fail. The word gap is a drawback not only for the low-income community but also to our country at large, as one of the authors said, “talk now or pay later”

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