Negative Essay: Cancer: Pros And Cons Of Cancer

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My topic I will be talking about is cancer. First of let 's define what cancer really means? Cancer is the condition characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells. In addition, cancer develops from a single cell that goes away, but the combination of the events must occur before a cell is turned into a tumor. The name of this process is clonal growth, a replication of only one cell that produces thousands of copies of itself. There are many types of cancer. It’s not only one disease. Cancer can start in the lungs, breast, the colon, or even in the blood. Some cancers actually are alike in some ways, but some are different in the ways they grow and spread in the body. Looking at a human 's normal body cells more deeper it 's roughly made up from millions of tiny cells. Moreover,different parts of the body such as the organs, the bones, the muscles,skin, and blood are made up from different particular cells. Most of the cells have a middle point, which is called a …show more content…

For example, most people might get their vitamin D from sunlight because it is a natural way. The cons are sun exposure is linked directly to skin cancer as well as “avoiding time in the sun is recommended by the CDC, the american Cancer Society, and other leading health organizations.” If you get at least moderate amount of sun exposure, than this should outweigh the risk of skin cancer. Moreover, even if the the sun exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, adequate levels of vitamin D reduce the risk of other kinds of cancer and improve survival for the people who have melanoma, which is actually one of the worst types of skin cancers. On the other side you can actually get vitamin D from other, safer, sources, including some fish and vitamin supplements. As well as sun exposure causes skin damage and premature aging. Its an irresponsible health behavior to spend in the sun without

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