JJ Times: A Business Case Study: Jj Times

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CASE STUDY JJ Times Background John works in his father’s clothes store. The store has a small number of regular customers but, because of its location, the store struggles to attract new ones. John’s father knows that in order for the enterprise to survive he must constantly attract new people to the store. At school John had studied Enterprise and he had been very successful at attracting potential customers. John’s father thought that with his entrepreneurial skills John would be able to think of ways to attract customers to the store and he asked John to help him. The research John decided that the first thing he needed to do was carry out some primary and secondary research. He asked his friend Jane to help him. They found out the …show more content…

Unfortunately Jane’s printer broke down before they could complete the printing of the first newsletter. The friends had to use the rest of their savings to pay for the repairs. The broken printer meant that some newsletters were not delivered on time and the friends received complaints. John and Jane realised that to retain customers they had to make sure that in future the newsletter was printed and delivered on time. With all of their savings spent on repairs, John and Jane did not have any money to buy more paper and ink. They would need to borrow money for the next issue of JJ Times. The future John prepared to negotiate a loan with his father. Jane arranged an expensive bank loan without telling John. When he found out John was very worried and he remembered his Enterprise teacher warning him about the disadvantages of an enterprise operating as a partnership. John decided that he and Jane should write a deed of partnership (below) and a business plan. PARTNERSHIP DEED Name of Partner One (INSERT NAME) Name of Partner Two (INSERT NAME) Address of Partner One (INSERT ADDRESS) Address of Partner Two (INSERT ADDRESS) The capital of the partnership will be $ ............ . This will be contributed by the partners in the following amounts: Partner One 40% $ ............ Partner Two 60% $ ............ Profits will be shared according to the capital invested. Partner One (INSERT NAME) – 40% of profits Partner Two (INSERT NAME) – 60% of

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