Technology In Brave New World Essay

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In reality, people struggle for happiness having technology and science to help get them there. In the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Huxley delves into a darker possibility of utopias. This dystopian world is a satire used by Huxley to warn about the pitfalls that can lead to a totalitarian society. Huxley is not afraid to dive head first into the philosophy and ideas which question the human spirit and motivation. In this Brave New World, Huxley makes a comparison to current world events, to which he questions the use of technology and science, leading to giving up their individuality and control.

From Brave New World; Chapter 2, page 27

What’s the lesson this afternoon?” he asked. “We had Elementary Sex for the first forty
minutes,” …show more content…

An Alpha-decanted, Alpha-conditioned man would go mad if he had to do Epsilon Semi-Moron work-go mad, or start smashing things up. Alphas can be completely socialized-but only on condition that you make them do Alpha work. Only an Epsilon can be expected to make Epsilon sacrifices, for the good reason that for him they aren’t sacrifices; they’re the line of least resistance. His conditioning has laid down rails along which he’s got to run. He can’t help himself; he’s foredoomed. Even after decanting, he’s still inside a bottle-an invisible bottle of infantile and embryonic fixations. Each one of us, of course,” the Controller meditatively continued, “goes through life inside a bottle. But if we happen to be Alphas, our bottles are, relatively speaking, enormous. We should suffer acutely if we were confined in a narrower space. You cannot pour upper-caste champagne-surrogate into lower-caste …show more content…

One such situation encountered in daily life is education and work. There is a shift into a lack of individuality in schools. Technology is taking over the classroom and the human touch in classrooms are disappearing. Entire classrooms are on their computer, videos on the screen instead of a teacher, people are turning into number machines. Students are being quantified by tests and quizzes. Each test is defining knowledge and potential. Technological innovation is producing and demanding higher and higher aptitude in knowledge. Huxley would say “Humanity is mad. It must be mad to do what it is doing. What a massacre! What scenes of horror and carnage! I cannot find words to translate my impressions. Hell cannot be so terrible. Men are mad!”, Men have created a war of information (French lieutenant in WWI). Companies and schools are cramming knowledge into kids. Individuality becomes increasingly forgotten as tests are expected to be the same and to be correct. Knowledge is slowly becoming mainstream and behaviors are becoming more common. Studying, late nighters, and memorization required in the workforce. Aldous Huxley would say the same thing Douglas said in the Twinkie Squad “‘Schools are just like factories. you put a blob of plastic into the machine, and it spits out a little toy triceratops. Everything is fine as long as all the

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