Pros And Cons Of The Intolerable Acts

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To those ready for change, as of mid-1776 our colonies have gone through drastic changes in over the past few years in order to unite and become a sovereign country. Following the Sons of Liberty’s Boston Tea Party incident, British Parliament passed a series of unacceptable laws, known as the Intolerable Acts, which clearly violated our human rights. The Boston harbor was shut down, a British Governor was appointed to Massachusetts, British soldiers are now being quartered in colonists’ homes, and a series of tax laws were placed on items which were previously essential to colonists. To top it off, this has taken place without the colonial men and women’s voice being represented overseas in Parliament. The Provincial Congress has been put together to vote on how to resolve the Intolerable Acts. …show more content…

The Association will perform the acts of enforcing a policy in which exportation and importation of goods from England, Ireland, and the Indies will be immediately seized especially if the Intolerable Acts are not repealed. Instead, we will promote self-growth by enjoying the fruits of our labor including agricultural and manufactured goods made here in the colonies. A Committee of Inspection was also formed during this time from those who volunteered to the duties of searching and being on the lookout for those who are acting against the Continental Association by participating in now wrongful trade. Those caught will be ostracized from colonial society and shall be labeled as an “enemy of American liberty”. This ended the first meeting of the Provincial

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