Overcoming Adversity In Night By Ellie Wiesel's Night

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Overcoming Advertises The topic I am going to talk about is based on the human will to overcome adversity; the book Night is a great example of how human overcame adversity. Adversity means devising ways and means to come out of very difficult or unfavorable situations. In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, he told his story of the adversities he faced and went through during the Holocaust. A reoccurring theme in this book was to have faith. Whether it was in yourself or in a deity. The faith will give you strength to go on. The main character Ellie Weisel who is also the author of this book; who went through a dreadful struggle in a concentration camp. But moving on and putting your past behind is the way to have a successful life. Ellie Wiesel, …show more content…

For example: Ellie viewed a fight over food on train where a son beats his father to death. These sons sacrifice their fathers; they only matter at that point was saving their own lives, people only cared for themselves. His father was getting old and weak, and Elie realizes his father does not have the strength to survive on his own, and it is too late to save him. "It 's too late to save your old father, I said to myself..."(105). Ellie would never seriously consider killing his father; he depends on his father for support and so many other things. Ellie said the presence of his father was one and only thing that stooped me from allowing myself to die. Ellie and his father 's relationship prove that Ellie doesn 't only care about himself but the people around him to. Ellie was brave by not leaving his father behind and listening to his conscience. Ellie has become a successful adult, after he was liberated from the concentration camp. “I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I 've been closer to him for that reason” (Ellie Weisel (brainyquote)) this quote shows that his faith hasn 't been lost through out what he went through. Throughout the book Ellie was angry at God because he was confused why God was letting all of that happen, why won 't he stop it. Eventually nearly around 2 year Ellie survived through that concentration camp after dealing/facing with many difficulties and he overcame

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