Racial Discrimination In The Black Boy By Richard Wright

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Black Boy (American Hunger) Review The “Black Boy” book by Richard Wright explains both the evident and dangerous effects of racial discrimination in the Southern United States during 1920s. By reading this book, readers can clearly learn about horrible ways African Americans were treated by whites, how only limited employment and educational opportunities were available for them and Christianity role played in black’s life. In chapter one, Richard learns to hate at the very early age when his father leaves family for another woman. And because of that, his mother and her children were hungry all the time. Every time he begs his mother for food she reminds him that he has no father no more. That establishes a bitter association between his father and hunger. He also experiences being beaten, an orphanage life and begins to understand problematic relations between whites and blacks. He keeps starting and soon ending school …show more content…

Working for a dollar a day as a water boy, Richard always wants to be a writer and writes short story called “The Voodoo of Hell’s Half-Acre” while in eighth grade. Stubborn Richard refuses a speech that principal wrote for him to give at graduation. Instead, he gives his own and feels support by some people. Working at the clothing store, he witnesses whites beating on a black woman for not paying her bills. Being called “nigger” he tries to understand how to act and get out of white people’s way. He could not show his hate towards white people because he was afraid they would kill him. Whites have him quit another job and then he decides to get out of South. Richard constantly switches jobs because of racism or where he does not get paid enough for him to move north; he starts stealing. In November of 1925, Richard moves to Memphis and every day he wants independence more than ever. He finds an interesting book that opens his life to a whole new life and

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