On The Development of Colloidal Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cell Architectures

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Quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs) have attracted a widespread attention over the past few years as one of the most promising prospects for highly efficient, low cost third generation photovoltaics1,2. Quantum dots (QDs) –The light harvesting material in the solar cell– such as CdSe3, 4, CdS5,6 and PbS7,8 exhibit tunable size-dependent band gaps which offer great opportunities for light-harvesting in both visible and infrared regions of the solar spectrum. In addition, due to impact ionization effect, it is possible to utilize hot charge carriers created in QDs to produce multiple electron–hole pairs (multiexciton) per absorbed photon9. As a result, QDSSCs have shown the capability to achieve power conversion efficiencies beyond the Shockley–Queisser limit of (~32%)10 for Si based solar cells, as well as provide a transformative improvement to traditional silicon photovoltaic cells. Although much effort has been devoted toward improving QDSSCs architectures, their power conversion efficiency is still relatively low11. One major challenge is how to effectively anchor QDs on the wide band gap nanostructured semiconductor electrode to attain high surface covered monolayer. So far, most of the currently available QDSSCs fabrication procedures involve sequential deposition steps and dipping cycles which are generally time consuming. Accordingly, there is a necessity to introduce a convenient route for the preparation of highly functional electrode, which would represent a potential advancement for large-scale industrialization12. Herein, we report a facile method for attaching quantum dots onto the semiconductor based electrode via direct mixing the previously prepared photoanode components together. Such work was based on a previous one done by Kamat and his co-workers13 in which they attempted to facilitate the casting technique by introducing a facile paint approach. They developed a solar paint consisting of CdS/CdSe (QDs), and TiO2 nanoparticles dissolved in water and t-butanol co-solvent, although their cells are processed at a rather high temperature of 200°C. However, in this work we prepared Au-ZnO, ZnO nanopyramids and CdSe nanoparticles in an organic medium then these components were further dissolved in toluene to ensure the complete dispersion of the nanoparticles in the solvent. As a result, this mixed solution can be dispersed or sprayed coated over any conductive surface. The developed technique was compared with conventional Layer-by-Layer method under the same experimental conditions. Over the past few years, ZnO as an important II-VI semiconductor nanostructured material , has made significant advances in optoelectronics devices and photocatalysis applications due to its unique properties14.

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