Immortality and Symbolism in John Keat's Nightingale Ode

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The nightingale and the discussion about it are not simply about a bird or a song but about human experience in general. Nightingale is not an eternal entity. There are many images of death within the poem. The images are particular and sensuous, but not highly visual.

Nightingale experiences a sort of death but actually it is not a real death nightingale is mysterious and even disappears at the end of the poem but nightingale itself is symbol of continuity or immortality and is universal and undying in contrast with the morality of human beings.

The poet also shows nostalgia in this poem. Human cannot be immortal as nightingale is immortal in his poem. It seems a pain for humans to know that they shall die.

Keats is expressing his love towards nature. The beauty of nature he is talking about. The nightingale is the poet s addressee but the poet s main issue is to express his love and attitude towards nature.

John Keats, an English romantic poet is known for his odes. Of Keats s six major odes of 1819, Ode to Psyche is the first and Ode to autumn is the last one. Ode to...

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