powmac Free Essays - The Power of Macbeth Macbeth essays

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The Power of Macbeth Macbeth from start to finish has the audience on the edge of its seats with powerful images and extraordinary events. This engagement with the audience is sustained from the moment the audience first meet the wild and evil witches to when Macduff enters with Macbeth's head and good is restored. Evil is so present and powerful in the play that any good is over shadowed by the evil forces. For example before Macbeth murders Duncan we can see the doubt Macbeth has about committing the crime and the residue of goodness in him, but we overlook this and the thing that stays with us is the fact that he murders Duncan. With each evil act Macbeth becomes more ruthless and any signs of goodness vanish from his character and he becomes a powerful `butcher'. The comparison between the loyal, honourable, good Malcolm and the evil, dark Macbeth is very powerful as the distance between good and evil is so immense. This is extraordinary as at one time they were on the same side fighting for the same king and same cause `their country'. Shakespeare uses dramatic settings in Macbeth. The powerful images of wild heaths and dark castles compliment the underlying sense of evil in the play. Also in Macbeth the murders that take place on stage, especially the killing of the king, as in Shakespeare's time to kill a king was the worst murder one could commit. The killing of Macduff's sons on stage plants a powerful picture in the audience's mind of the evil surrounding the play. The apparitions that Macbeth encounters through the play create an extraordinary atmosphere. Firstly the dagger Macbeth sees before him he murders Duncan. This dagger brings out Macbeth fears and doubts about what he is about to do. This captures the audience with a sense of the unknown. He encounters three other apparitions that come to him while he is visiting the witches in Act 4, Scene 1. These apparitions, an `armed head', a `bloody child' and a `crowed child'. Are all very powerful as they stay in the audience's mind - as well as Macbeth. They play a major part in Macbeth as they lead Macbeth to think he is unstoppable. Images of night and day are powerful, as the night is juxtaposed with darkness and evil. Most of the evil acts take place at night. The day is the light after all the dark evil is gone. Shakespeare runs other powerful images through the play of blood and sleep. Shakespeare uses the characters in the play to his advantage. He creates powerful characters with whom the audience relate. This means the audience become shocked by the actions of some characters. When Macbeth murders Duncan the audience are shocked as they have got know Macbeth before the witches predictions, as a loyal and trustworthy solider to his king. They also become symphonic towards other characters. After the audience find out about the plan to murder Macduffs family, there is then a scene which involves Lady Macduff and her sons talking about their father. The audience knows they are about to be murdered and therefore are sympathetic toward the family. The witches are the most powerful and extraordinary characters in Macbeth. Their evil power is so strong that it seems that what they touch or whom the victimise turns to evil. They have the power to control the evil in the play through Macbeth. They are evil with cunning plans and predictions to create disorder and confusion. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" The disorder in nature created by evil is extraordinary. Natures reactions to evil acts is strong. The reference to nature is juxtaposed with evil by some characters in the play. The fear of death that Macbeth has is very powerful. The lengths he will go to, to insure his life is extraordinary. The killing of Macduff family is Macbeth first instinct after hearing that Macduff fled; in attempt to hurt Macduff and try to protect what he can of his life. In combining these features Shakespeare has fashioned a play of sustained and powerful emotion within an atmosphere that continually extends beyond the ordinary.

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