Founding Principles: Early American Quest for Freedom

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The early North American settlers from Great Britain brought ideas of freedom with them to their new land. Freedom to them was certain rights and privileges, although these privileges rights were determined by one’s social status and race. Early Americans wanted the right to self government, religious practices as well as trade. The Founders are statesmen who led the thirteen British colonies in America to revolt against the power of the British Crown and establish the United States. Thomas Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, which not only established the United States as independent from Great Britain, but also emphasized certain ideals of democracy and self government. As the document states: "We hold …show more content…

It contain terms agreed upon by all thirteen states and created a centralize form of government. The Articles were ratified and placed into operation on March 1, 1781. The Articles of Confederation remained in effect and was the basis of the governing body of the United States during the American Revolution. There were many defects and weaknesses that made revision of the Articles of Confederation necessary. The National Government could not form a strong Congress, because it lacked strong leadership. It did not have the power to tax states for privately own land and could not force states to obey established laws or taxation notices. Other problems the National Government faced were no military or national court system. Additionally, each state issued its own currency, and they had no money to protect it borders from Spain and Great Britain. In order for Congress to make any changes to the Articles all of the states had to be in totally agreement. The founding fathers soon discovered, conflicting views of the common good was held by reasonable …show more content…

“Early in the convention, the delegates agreed on the need for a stronger national government than the Articles had created, but there was conflict over how best to structure a representative democracy that would protect liberties, with property rights a priority for the delegates.” Slavery was also a major conflict that needed to be addressed. The delegates worked through the conflicts and reached compromises they could all support. They had to balance their preference for a strong central government with the citizens ' distrust of a strong central government. Ultimately, the delegates framed a new constitution, establishing new foundational government structures and operating procedures to achieve the principles laid out in the Declaration of Independence. Thereafter, proponents of the proposed new constitution would win its ratification only after acknowledging the need to amend it quickly by adding a bill of rights to limit the power of the national government it created. The framers created an innovative system of government with dual sovereignty—a system of government in which ultimate governing authority is divided between two levels of government—a central government and regional governments—with each level having ultimate authority over different policy

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