Are Seniors Unfit to Drive?

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“As people get older, their instincts get slower and their senses can decline, including hearing and sight, which are both crucial to safe driving." (D35General). Required yearly driving tests for those 55 and older would be beneficial to other driver’s safety. Having required retests would eliminate bad driving habits as well as remove incompetent drivers from the road.

Seniors driving is not only a nuisance to other drivers but extremely unsafe. They do not use their blinkers, go unsafely slow and are constantly pulling over when cars get behind them. This causes congestion to the road and unneeded stress to other drivers. "Most of senior’s accidents are due to health impairments..." (Don). If yearly health and driving tests were required it would save on the amount of accidents, deaths and insurance claims, in the end saving everyone. Many other drivers do not admit to being unable to drive, as it begins to take away their sense of independence. There are many shuttle programs available for seniors who are unable to drive for themselves. Having annual health and driving ...

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