Themes In Kate Chopin's The Story Of An Hour

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“Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death” (Chopin 278). This is the first sentence in Kate Chopin’ s “The Story of an Hour” gives reader a background setting that develops the protagonist-Mrs. Mallard and leads reader to think how does this beginning relate to the theme of the story. The heart trouble may represent the reflection of Mrs. Mallard, symbolized trapped, just like her life is trapped from freedom and full of sickness. The beginning of the story, beside letting the reader knows Mrs. Mallard has heart trouble, moreover, it also brings out a huge turning point to her life from her husband’s death. These two important elements …show more content…

Chopin uses irony on this story to bring out Mrs. Mallard is a dynamic character by the changing she makes though out the story. After Mrs. Mallard heard the news of her husband’s death “She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arm” (278). When she sees, her husband is still alive and standing by the door “…doctor said she had died of heart disease -of joy that kills” (280). This is very ironic and has a big change from the beginning. Mrs. Mallard does not feel ill when she heard the news of her husband is died, she is died from knowing her husband is still alive. That’s a big contact and is very ironic to the reader. This also prove that she truly does not like her husband that much and she is a dynamic character. “She said it over and over under her breath: “Free! Free! Free!”” (279). Mrs. Mallard finally can get the freedom after knowing her husband’s death, unfortunately, at the end she is died. Her joy her freedom is only last on a short amount of time, moreover, she does not enjoy it at all before her dies. It is very irony. Based on these two examples stated above, the reader can see the dramatically changes from the beginning and at the end. Mrs. Mallard is alive from the beginning and dies at the end. It can reflect that she is a dynamic

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