Analysis Of Lucio Fulci 's The Black Cat

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Lucio Fulci 's The Black Cat is featured in Arrow 's phenomenal Edgar Allan Poe 's Black Cats Limited Edition, which also features the fantastically named Sergio Martino film Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (the review can be read here). The Arrow Box set is limited to 3000 copies and comes with an impressive limited edition 80-page booklet containing new articles on the films, Lucio Fulci’s last ever interview and a reprint of Poe’s original story. The box set contains the two films in a nice hard cardboard case and each film also has reversible sleeves showcasing the original and newly commissioned artwork. It 's a stellar package and worth the price. Now, with that said, let 's get on with the review of Fulci 's The Black Cat, which is a very loose adaption of Poe 's Black Cat short story.


DISCS: 2 (1 Blu-ray, 1 DVD)
RUN-TIME: 91 min
AUDIO: English/Italian: Uncompressed PCM Mono 1.0
LANGUAGE: English/Italian
SUBTITLES: English/English SDH
RELEASE DATE: Oct 27, 2015


In The Black Cat, from that “other” Godfather of Gore, Lucio Fulci (Zombie), Scotland Yard Inspector Gorley (David Warbeck, The Beyond) find himself summoned to a sleepy English village to investigate the recent murder of a young couple. With no obvious signs of entry at the murder scene, Gorley is forced to start considering the possibility that his suspect may not be human…


If there is one thing you are guaranteed when you watch a Fulci movie, it 's a flick that is damn hard to follow. The Black Cat starts off with so many random scenes, I had no idea where this film was headed. We 've got a killer cat, a couple m...

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High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations
Original Italian and English soundtracks in mono audio (uncompressed PCM on the Blu-rays)
Newly translated English subtitles for the Italian soundtracks
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing for the English soundtracks
Limited Edition 80-page booklet containing new articles on the films, Lucio Fulci’s last ever interview and a reprint of Poe’s original story


The Black Cat is a confusing flick, but one that is still beautiful to watch. It may not be Fulci at his best, but fans should still check it out, especially if you have a hankering for Poe tales. The Arrow Blu-ray is just one-half of the awesome Black Cats box set and there is nothing wrong with the disc in my opinion. This flick and Blu comes highly recommended.


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