Analysis Of Jon Krakauer's 'Death Of Innocence'

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Jon Krakauer wrote this article about this particular story in outside magazine called “Death of Innocence”. He had a theory that Chris wasn’t starved he was poisoned by the potato seed he wrote this story because it touched his heart in a different way than most people,he related to Chris in a many ways they both traveled and like adventure he even has a close knit relationship with Chris 's family. The reason jon states that Chris didn’t conform because he wasn’t the type of person who would just do what people tell him to do he didn’t like rules he wanted to make up his own so he could follow his own self. In the book into the wild he didn’t have a map to get across the river if he had the map he would have been able to cross he wanted to make up his own map so others could follow his own map but what was he really searching or looking for in the wilderness all alone and …show more content…

When Chris is in the bus rotting away day by day, he realizes he could have come home and forgave his parents for everything they did wrong to him and his sister and even his mother. He finally realized what the meaning of family really is and at the end he wanted his family and yet he never said goodbye and he never got to tell them why and how he felt. He never wanted to go up in Alaska and die he just wanted to see the world and travel he just wanted to live for a little while and be in alaska and have a happy journey. If Chris didn’t die he might have gone home and told his family why he left and he could have told them about his journey. Chris McCandless was so young at 24 years of age died alone in the bus on august

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