Case Study: Babylon Revisited As An Allegory

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What is the you thoroughly understand the term “allegory” and that you can discuss “Babylon Revisited” as an allegory?—This question is garbled and does not make sense. Charlie Wales focuses on his visit to Paris as an extended allegory, imposing a moral value on every place that he visits and incident that occurs. He is hoping to redeem himself from the period of drunken debauchery that led to the death of his wife and loss of his daughter to relatives’care. Whether he is driving through the streets of Montmartre, the site of many past revels, or trying to find a restaurant without past negative associations where he can have lunch with his daughter, the evils of the past form pictures in his mind. He wants to be worthy of custody of Honoria, …show more content…

The sins that are considered less damaging and serious are known as “venial sins.” Snopesism is a standard of behavior that allows the commission of venial sins to obtain personal benefits. Some members of the Snopes family are cunning, ambitious, and indifferent to the feelings of others. They take joy in overstepping others who have traditionally been their superiors, and see the accumulation of money as the only good. They feel loyalty only to other members of the Snopes clan. Sarty’s father is not a standard member of the Snopes clan because he has twisted his desire to overstep others into malicious mischief and not personal …show more content…

Joy/Hulga has two items that are used alternately to describe her, the eyeglasses that counter her weak eyes and are a sign of her intellectuality, and the wooden leg that she wields through sound and appearance as a weapon against her mother’s solicitude. When Manley Pointer removes her glasses and steals her wooden leg, she is left totally weak and vulnerable. The Bible salesman himself uses the illusion of Bibles as a symbol. He has claimed to have a suitcase full of Bibles to sell, but his moral laxness is revealed when he opens the case to reveal two Bibles, one of which has a hidden

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