An Essential Attitude Adjustment

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Life is a truly miraculous occurrence. At conception, two cells join, and a human life emerges. Each begins in this way, whether in utero or in vitro. Although the beginning is the same, each life progresses differently with many factors affecting the outcome. Fate plays a role in determining exactly what those factors may be. Most people will have a wide array of experiences throughout life, ranging from positive to negative. At different points in life, one may experience joy or heartache, abundance or need, love or loss. Hayden Carruth and Kay Ryan, authors of “In the Long Hall” and “Turtle” respectively, use symbolism in their poetic verse to paint a picture of life and some of the ways in which it is experienced. Most anyone can relate positive events that have helped fill their lives but can also tell of the negative events that have accompanied the positive during the journey. In the end, however, the most important aspect of each unique, miraculous life-story may not lie in the hand that one is dealt but rather in the spirit or attitude with which that hand is played.

The comparison of “In the Long Hall” and “Turtle” puts one in mind of a “tortoise and hare” scenario. The symbolism utilized by Carruth reminds one of the hare, while Ryan captures the character of the tortoise with her theme. The hare is boastful, fast, and focused on winning, where the tortoise is humble, slow, and focused on the race. Although the hare is quite capable of winning with his speed and agility, his energy is soon expended, and the tenacity of the tortoise is victorious in the end.

Both Carruth and Ryan use symbolism to illustrate the point that life is not always an easy endeavor. At best, life is still difficult. Carruth cho...

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...nnot control what fate dictates for his or her life. However, one does have the ability to control his or her reaction and the attitude with which each experience is met. Each experience, good or bad, should be viewed as another adventure to savor, another mountain to climb, or another lesson to learn. In addition, developing a little more patience and perseverance while adjusting the focus when faced with tribulation may be the most direct route to attaining the goal and discovering joy in life. While this may prove to be a difficult feat to accomplish, the one who succeeds will play an infallible hand.

Works Cited

Carruth, Hayden. "In the Long Hall." Literature and the Writing Process. Ninth Ed. Vivian Garcia. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print.

Ryan, Kay. "Turtle." Literature and the Writing Process. Ninth Ed. Vivian Garcia. Boston: Longman, 2011. Print.

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