Sliding Scale of Virtue: An Analysis of Beowulf Characters

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With those who are good shrouded in light and those who are evil relegated to dark and misty caves, the Nordic people’s separation of moral right and wrong is difficult to overlook. An Aristotelian study of ethics depicts vices and virtues on a linear plane, with the mean virtue in the center and its extremes on either side. A deficiency of a virtue, courage for instance, is cowardice, while an excess of courage can lead to rashness (Aristotle). This view forms the basis for my argument that the characters in Beowulf are subjected to a sliding scale of virtue. Wealhtheow, Grendel, and Beowulf provide valuable insight into how the virtues of modesty, steadfastness, and fortitude are perceived by the audience inside and outside the story, as …show more content…

The titular character is first presented as a classic storybook hero, “a man who of all men / was foremost and strongest in the days of his life” (788-9). From the perspective of a Danish civilian watching the story of Beowulf unfold, his confidence is both terrifying and respectable. He waltzes into Denmark ready to kill Grendel with his bare hands. Whether or not he doubts his abilities is unclear to the reader; the audience sees only his confidence. For instance, just before the initial fight with Grendel, Beowulf boasts that he “shall fulfill that purpose, / prove myself with a proud deed / or meet my death here in the mead-hall” (636-8). With this one-sided look at the hero’s feelings, it is difficult to discern true confidence from the illusion of courage fabricated for the story by Beowulf. His virtue of courageousness could easily fall apart if he does not truly possess it. To explore this concept further, consider the fight with the dragon in the final act of the poem. At this point, Beowulf’s mortality creates the conditions leading up to his death, and he acknowledges it, telling his troops, “This fight is not yours, / nor is it up to any man except me / to prove his strength … I shall win the gold / by my courage, or else mortal combat, / doom of battle, will bear your lord away” (2532-7). Beowulf’s insistence on fighting alone is the manifestation of his overconfidence. His

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