Abortion is Unethical

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Abortion is the medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of a fetus. Because abortion is such a controversial issue, there are many opposing views regarding it. For instance, many people find abortion a cruel because it is simply an inhumane act of killing an unborn innocent child. On the other hand, others believe that it is a woman’s basic right to choose how she deals with a fetus growing inside her stomach. That is especially, in certain situations such as rape, incest, or health issues threatening her life. To sum it up, ending a child’s life using rather horrible procedures is not only an unethical procedure, but also it is also morally wrong from the psychological, social and religious point of view. Taking away a life is purely unethical. What about taking away a life that has no saying or power to stop such an act? The young fetus growing in the mother’s womb has no choice, no power and no saying over saving their life. Their whole future is destructed. There are many reasons that people use as an excuse to get an abortion. Some maybe considered selfish and some reasonable. This however does not change the fact of it being immoral. For example, cases like a teenager’s carelessness in using birth controls or even protection during sexual intercourse is considered selfish and reckless reasons to getting an abortion. According to statistics, eighteen percent of American teenagers choose to abort their fetus because of such a reason. In addition, many teenagers choose to get an abortion because the fetus’ father chooses to be irresponsible and not take full control over the baby. Another unacceptable reason is the case of a married couple that have also completely disregarded protection and got pregna... ... middle of paper ... ...ever, the rate of abortion has decreased than in previous years. Abortion is wrong when used for selfish reasons. There are many other ways one can do to prevent abortion. In addition, there are ethical reasons why people don't support it. One can use adoption as an alternative, since the fetus can cause harmful effects to the the mother. In addition , the most important and ethical reason to not abort a child is simply the immoral act of taking an innocent life. People should raise awareness about this topic. In addition, laws and regulations should be adopted in abortion should not be legalized. Abortion is a murderous act and it is unfair to decide to take away an unborn child’s life away. Imagine if your own parents decided to take away your life? You wouldn’t have ended up in this world. Other than it being ethically wrong, wouldn’t that be unfair to you?

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