What´s Urinary Incontinence

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Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control or control over urination that is significant enough in frequency and amount to cause physical and/or emotional distress in the person experiencing it (Ford-Martin, Frey 2011). Incontinence occurs when there is dysfunction in either the storage function or occasionally, in the emptying function of the lower urinary tract (Santiagu, 2008, p.2). There are many different types of urinary incontinence that affect people worldwide, according to Ford-Martin/Frey (2011) there are five major categories of urinary incontinence: overflow, stress, urge, functional, and reflex. Overflow incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine associated with bladder over-distention in the absence of destrusor muscle contractions thus, people with overflow incontinence have an obstruction to the bladder or urethra, or a bladder that doesn't contract properly (Ford-Martin,Frey 2011, p. 1). This type of incontinence is most common in the older adults, especially men who have an enlarged prostate gland. Due to the enlarged prostate gland squeezing the urethra the bladder never empties completely and is full most of the time which can cause small amounts of urine to leak (Carter, 2012). The next type of incontinence is stress incontinence which occurs when vesical pressure exceeds urethral pressure in the setting of sudden increases in intraabdominal pressure, that can be associated to weakness of the pelvic floor or sphincter (Santiagu, 2008, p.2). Stress Incontinence is a leaking of urine and is common during pregnancy, coughing, sneezing, lifting or laughing, or during awkward body movements that stress the body's bladder control (President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2006, p. 1). Urge Incontinence o...

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...duals with urinary incontinence will be: a decrease in anxiety, individual will follow a bladder training program, demonstrate the proper use of incontinence products, will be free of infection (infection can cause urinary incontinence), will take medications as prescribed, and follow dietary restrictions/recommendations (PN Adult Medical Surgical Nursing Edition 8.0, 2012, p. 667).

List of References

Carter, A. (2012). Urinary Incontinence. Retrieved from http://www.galegroup.com.

Ford-Martin, P. & Frey, R. (2011). Urinary Incontinence. Retrieved from http://www.galegroup.com

President and Fellows of Harvard College. (2006). Urinary Incontinence. (Disease/Disorder overview).

Retrieved from http://www.galegroup.com

Santiagu, S. (2008). Urinary incontinence: Pathophysiology and management outline. Retrieved from


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