Two Sources on Desegregation and the Little Rock Nine

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In 1957 Little Rock High School allowed 9 black students to attend the school due to forced desegregation. At the first attempt of the students going to the school, they were kept out by armed guards at the gates which were sent by Governor Orval Faubus. The second attempt went slightly better as President Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort the students through the rioting white students. The troops were then used as body guards for the first few days to keep the new students safe, but once dismissed the white students could taunt and tease them as much as they wanted.

Source A tells us about the 9 black students who ‘risked their lives for a principle’, by enrolling at Little Rock High School. It tells us about the federal troops who kept the angry mob of white students at bay, but it doesn’t tell us when the event happened. This would affect the source’s usefulness as is doesn’t give a specific key fact. It was written by the ‘Chicago Daily Defender’ which is a black newspaper. This would reduce the reliability of the source as it is likely to be biased against white peopl...

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