Analysis Of Freedom's Children

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Freedom’s Children is a historical fiction book that tells the story of the major events of the Civil Rights Movements in chronological order from young Civil Rights activists point of view. The book is written from a journalist point of view interviewing the young activists about their experiences during the Civil Rights Movement. The book Freedom’s Children is a compilation of 30 different people’s experiences during the time period of the 50’s and 60’s. Freedom’s Children reveals the everyday struggles of young and old African American people alike; the constant disrespect and segregation they endured on a day to day basis. As i did research on this book, all of the people mentioned/ interviewed in this book existed and had some kind of …show more content…

For example Ben Chaney was nine years old at the time and played with the white kids. But as soon as he turned ten the parents came straight out to Ben and told him he was not allowed to play with their kids to his face. This was solely based on the complexion of his skin. Another example was Gwendolyn Patton. She grew up in Detroit but spent summers in Montgomery. She used to ride the bus on sundays after church. She would only ride the bus once a week. She got off the bus to get a treat and went to the stad. She bought a cone of water and she sat down to drink. The lady at the stand said she could not sit there (the women did not say why but it was because she was black but it was heavily implied) so Gwen proceeded to pour her water on the counter of the stand and walk …show more content…

“Stuff they had in seventh grade and eighth grades, we were just getting as junior and seniors in black school” Teachers would either not have the materials to be able to teach or intentionally teach slow so the African American kids would have a more difficult time in life. At this time in the south schools were kept separate. Schools up north had already integrated prior because racism was not as much a problem as it was in the south. Little Rock was one of the first schools in Alabama to integrate black and whites into the same school. Little Rock admitted nine African American students giving it the name “The Little Rock Nine”. After the federal law was passed by the supreme court in 1964 allowing black students to go to the school of their choice, nothing happened for three long years. The governor of Alabama (Orval Faubus) employed the national guard to blockade the school only admitted white students. This went on until President Eisenhower deployed the 101st Airborne Division. The national guard backed off and the nine students would attend school. In the beginning it was smooth sailing. People for the most part would not pick on the blacks. This was only because an armed guard would accompany them to and from classes. As time went on there would be less and less security. People would begin to pick on the kid. Most of the time it was

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