United States Figure Skating Championships Essays

  • Michelle Kwan Research Papers

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    I was flipping through the channel one day, searching for something interesting to watch. Then I came across to a figure skating competition on TV, and I saw an Asian girl doing a triple loop. Her moves were mind-blowingly beautiful and she looked confident. It turned it was Michelle Kwan. After watching that competition, I couldn’t help doing some research on this amazing figure skater. Michelle Kwan was born on July 7, 1980 in Torrance, California. She was the third child born to Danny

  • Tonya Nancy And The American Scandal

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    In 1994, the brutal attack on Nancy Kerrigan at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships sent shockwaves around America as the public struggled to understand the violence against America’s most beloved skater. Yet, in her article “Tonya, Nancy, and the Bodily Configuration of Social Class,” Sam Stoloff explains, “Harding was the stronger emotional pole in the drama, because, for the middle class, she represented the class Other” (Stoloff 228). This quote illustrates why the Tonya Harding and Nancy

  • Mental Imagery: Can a Figment of Imagination Help Performance?

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    been glued to their television screens, mesmerized by the breathtaking accomplishments of the 2002 Olympic athletes. As an avid watcher of ice skating events, I couldn’t help but wonder what athletes like the bronze medallist Micelle Kwan and the gold medallist Sarah Hughes were thinking prior to their final skating performances. Before the final skating event, both skaters physically practiced their performances. I noticed that in addition to physically preparing themselves by repeatedly running

  • Argumentative Essay On Figure Skating

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    Music great combination or do you not agree? Figure Skating as a result was mashed up together to create such a beautiful but dangerous sport. Skating as a Winter Olympic sport has a long history and even with the proper equipment can be dangerous. Figure skating was originated in Europe, it was first stared by an American though named Jackson Haines. Jackson was born in New York in 1840 and died in 1875 in Finland from Tuberculosis. There was a big skating/dancing craze they called it because it swept

  • paper

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    Organized figure skating has been around since the 18th century. Since then it has grown and evolved into the Olympic sport we see today. There have been many notable skaters and moves in skating's distinguished history. One of the most interesting and storied is the axel jump. The axel jump is one of the most difficult jumps to learn, though it is regularly used in high level competitions. It is a clockwise jump, though can be reversed. The jump adds a half spin, leaving the skater travelling backwards

  • Argumentative Essay On Speed Skating

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    Florida. She is 25 years old and represented the United States in the 2018 Olympics. She tried figure skating at age eight, but later switched to inline skating. She won gold in the 500 meter inline skating race at both the 2008-09 Junior World Championships and the 2014 Pan American Championships, and has also competed in roller derby with the Jacksonville Roller Girls. She qualified for the Olympics with only four months of experience in speed skating on ice. Her coach is Renee Hildebrand. Erin Jackson

  • Nancy Kerrigan's Competition

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    All it took was one swing of the baton for it to be named the “Whack Heard ‘Round the World.” After national figure skating champion Nancy Kerrigan was bashed in the knee, many people were shocked to find that her rival, Tonya Harding, could have been behind the plot to ensure Kerrigan would not be able to compete in the upcoming Olympics. What followed the assault on Kerrigan was a long and tedious court case; the assailants claimed that Harding was behind the plan to physically assault, and at

  • Informative Essay On Figure Skating

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    All you need is a pair of sharp figure skates, and yourself. The affection of cold air breezing in your face while you glide across an ice rink dancing away, escaping your problems, feeling free, and performing in front of an audience. One of the most popular winter olympic sports is figure skating. The elements, ballet, and dance gives this sport its elegance. This event takes a lot of practice, especially balance. When your skates are touching the ice it can be slippery, your balance keeps you

  • The Great Skater

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    The Great Skater Like any other sport, ice-skating is obliged to creative people who bring something new to it. These people are known to everyone as the inventors of particular jumps, splits, spins. They are given credit for their work and, sometimes, the skating moves they invented carry their names. For instance, the Lutz jump was invented by Alois Lutz before World War II; the Walley jump was attributed to Bruce Mapes who performed with the Ice Follies in the 1930s. With Mabel Fairbanks

  • The Olympics: The Three Aspects Of The Olympic Olympics

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    and the Olympic city. For example, the athlete Dorothy Hamill dreamed of figure skating at the age of eight when she started taking lesions. She went on in 1974 to win her first national ladies senior singles title. Hamill also silver medaled in the World Championships in both 1974 and 1975, working herself up to the Olympics. Finally, her chance had come to be in the Olympics. She went to compete in figure skating in the 1976 Winter Olympics in Innsbruck, Austria at age 19. Although she battled

  • Skating on Thin Ice

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    Skating on Thin Ice The Olympic Games have been around for hundreds of years. They are something that people everywhere around the world look forward to all year long. Athlete or not, everyone knows what the Olympics are. With the extreme popularity comes extreme broadcasting. Millions of people turned on their televisions and radios, read newspapers and magazines, and searched the web to hear the results and news about the games this winter. Broadcasting feeds people. They crave to hear the latest

  • Men and Women in Non-Traditional Sports

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    did not participate much in figure skating competitions, partly because of the fact that they had to wear long, movement-hindering skirts. But some women did fight to participate. Eventually, when they were allowed to change certain rules (such as the one about wearing long skirts), women proved that they could compete with men. They were permitted to participate in competitions like the National Championships and the Olympics, and soon after that, women’s figure skating became an immensely popular

  • Cheating In Sports Research Paper

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    famous figure skater, Nancy Kerrigan . and I was alleged that the husband of Tanya Harding, a direct competitor for gold in the 1994 Winter Olympics, bashed in the knees of Nancy Kerrigan. The intention was to sever her Achilles heels, so that she would not be able to compete in the competition. This would give Tanya Harding the advantage. Another famous athlete Tom Brady was thrown into the spotlight after he intentionally deflated the footballs their team used in the 2015 AFC Championships. He then

  • The Ukrainian National Identity In The History Of Ukraine

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    Growing up figure skating at a Soviet style ice rink, and well as an Eastern European household, I have become somewhat familiar with Ukrainian people and their connection to Russia. I have had the good fortune to share the ice with some of the Ukraine’s most well-known figure skaters. One was Oksana Baiul who was the 1993 figure skating world champion and in 1994, won the Olympic gold medal in ladies singles. Another was Viktor Petrenko who has won multiple Olympic medals, European championships, and

  • Scott Hamilton Research Paper

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    6 months to live. Diet and exercise cured the problem though Hamilton achieved only a height of 5 feet 2 inches in his life-time. He didn't allow disability to stop him. In 1981 '82 and '83 Scott Hamilton won the gold medal in the World Figure Skating Championships, and won the gold medal at the 1984 Winter Olympics. But Hamilton is not the only example of men and women overcoming great obstacles in their lives. There is Helen Keller, blind and deaf from a very young age; President Abraham Lincoln

  • Change In Fashion Essay

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    Over shadowing functionality, fashion is human’s next need for embellishment, followed by power or status.“Fashion is, in many ways, like a river.” -Elaine Stone. It is constantly moving forward and changing. Consequently, fueling the fashion business and allowing it to prosper.In other words if there is no change, then there will be no fashion, thus no bussiness. Over the decades millions of brands and designers have been trying to adapt to the rapid and ongoing change in fashion. Those who fail

  • The Automobile and the Economy

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    efficient diminished. As a result, the N.H.T.S.A (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) was forced to relax the standard of the model years 1986-1989. The standard for automobiles of today is 27.5 miles per gallon. In the 1990’s the United States had an increased urgency raise their standards as they were more dependent on importing oil instead of producing it. Currently, the Clinton Administration is going to great depths to try to increase fuel efficiency. Bill Cliton made a partnership

  • Sports Sport Genre

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    The sports genre of film has for while been very popular with society and can compete with other films of different and other popular genres as well. The sports genre like other genres has been around as long as films and short films have. Some of the earliest sports films include a film produced in the early 1890s titled Corbett and Courtney before the Kinetograph. (K.L Dickson & Heise, 1894) This arguably can be one of the earliest silent films people have seen let alone in the sports genre. The

  • Watertown Murder Case Study

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    In February 1998, Watertown, SD, was not bursting with riveting activity. Watertown had a population of 20,127 people in 1998, which is not much less than the 22,000 residents it has today. Brenda Barger was mayor of Watertown, SD, during the years of some of the worst flooding ever in Watertown. Although the little town of Watertown seems like the perfect rural town to raise a family, it’s not all butterflies and rainbows. On February 1, it was reported that two teenage girls were accused of beating

  • Skiing and Snowboarding

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    depictions of skis have been discovered throughout Europe dating back thousands of years. Skiing as a recreational activity became popularized in the mid 1800’s however it did not arrive in the United States until around 1841. Once the concept of skiing reached the states, it took off. The United States continued to power advances in skiing for decades, with the introduction of rope tows, then actual ski lifts. By the 1950’s several ski areas had begun snowmaking and trail grooming, two American