The Orange Box Essays

  • A Review of Portal 2

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    I was just told that puzzles aren’t games. That means I did a paper on a puzzle. Drat! Works Cited Valve Official Portal 2 Website- Blog Updated September 30th 2011 Viewed October 3rd, 2011 The Orange Box Portal 2 John Funk, “Portal Has A New Ending” 03 March 2010 web. 03 October 2011 The Escapist: Video Gallery: Zero Punctuation: Portal 2

  • Experiment: What Are My Drinks Doing To My Teeth

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    the tooth in the blueberry syrup would be affected the most because it had so much sugar in it. ( i will continue this paragraph later) The liquids that we used were blueberry syrup juice, diet coke, mineral water, lemon gatorade, apple juice, and orange juice. We measured each liquid to 20 ml. Alma brought the blueberry syrup juice and the mineral water in clear containers. She chose this because the

  • The Halloween Costume

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    They found a Halloween costume inside the box which was Mya's dream Halloween costume. Excited, Mya she couldn’t hold her happiness inside her. Therefore, she decided to try it on, but, as Mya was about to do so, the lights went off. Shocked, Mya and her friend just sat there listening and staring

  • Analysis Of 'The Very Busy Spider'

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    opposite to the first peg. He picks a peg and says, “Pink”. He squeezes the peg. He places it on the floor as cannot squeeze. He picks another peg and says, “Orange colour”. He squeezes the orange peg and clips to the other side of the grip board. He picks the pink peg again and squeezes hardly. He clips it opposite to the orange peg. He shows to teacher and says, “I

  • Essay On Visit To The Library

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    picture hung on the wall in the Children’s room. The librarian gave Denisha two more boxes of crayons, “Yes! We are crayons, red, pink, green, yellow, orange, white, black, purple and blue. We are going home. “We are very happy crayons”. “Mama will you bring me to the library? “ What in your book bag? “We are crayons, red, pink, green, yellow, orange, white, black, purple and blue”. “We are going to school”. Thank you. Cecil

  • i hate fish sticks

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    nice and gooey, that way when you throw them out the sun roof at oncoming cars they splat like the nastiest bug you have ever seen, and for a bird effect use the fifty cent fruit pies at night. ; their gonna be confused when they open they’re mail box and find all that KFC, or when in Canada PFK. ; Dude, that guy was holding poop in one hand and his pooch in the other with a really content expression on his face!? : You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you cant pick your friends

  • Monologue On Orange

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    explained to her that we did not have orange paint and that I had to mix two colors to make the color orange. I asked her, “Can you tell me what are the two colors that I mixed to make the color orange?” Yahaira answered, “Yellow and red.” Yahaira- As the children worked on their art activity we talked about the different colors (purple, red, yellow, orange, green and pink) we were using to make flowers. The children asked about the color purple and orange and I told them that we did not have those

  • A Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick

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    A Clockwork Orange is a Stanley Kubrick film from 1971. Kubrick directed the film and wrote the screen play based on the 1962 novel from author Anthony Burgess. A Clockwork Orange was originally rated, “X” and nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Film Editing and Best Screenplay, but lost in each category to William Friedkin's The French Connection ( The set design is by John Barry, costume design by Milena Canonero, music by Wendy Carlos and cinematography by John Alcott

  • Nutritional Analysis Of Honey Nut Cheerios

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    Cheerios are a breakfast cereal eaten by millions of Americans everyday. General Mills shares to the public through their ads that Cheerios are a healthy breakfast and snack that brings the benefits of oats, low sugar, and vitamins and minerals into our diet. Honey Nut Cheerios is one of the many cereals that General Mills have in which they claimed is good for our health because of the ingredients they use. Some of the ingredients that are in the cereal have raised red flags to consumers like

  • Half Life Research Paper

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    game company, Newell and Valve began their Portal project – a drastic change from the previous video games. After their Team Fortress 2 release, which was bundled with Portal and known as The Orange Box on release, Valve and Newell continued to garner recognition and awards due to the popularity of the Orange Box compilation video game. The Valve Corporation, now a seasoned video game attention with

  • Pandora And Prometheus Research Paper

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    her. With her came a gold box with a key. Pandora was told not to open it under any circumstance. Her curiosity grew stronger and stronger every day. After a few weeks of having the box in the back of her mind, she decided to open the box. Pandora saw evil waft out of the box. Deceit, jealousy, hate, war and despair all came out of the box. Pandora

  • Jolly And Lavaughn's Influence On The Environment

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    For many people our environment defines who we are as a person and what traits we have. In Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff this is no exception. Jolly and Lavaughn are affected by many things. However environment is the main thing that changes Jolly and Lavaughn. Jolly and Lavaughn are affected by multiple environments of school, Jolly's house, and living on the streets differently. School affected Jolly in a positive and productive way. For example, when Jolly was a few weeks into school,

  • Free Essays - A Clockwork Orange and the Moral Decay of Society Clockwork Orange Essays

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    A Clockwork Orange and the Moral Decay of Society         A Clockwork Orange received critical acclaim, made more than thirty million dollars at the box office, and was nominated for various awards; however, this esteemed film was outlawed from the nation of Great Britain in order to curb its immoral content from permeating society.  Before all the controversy began, A Clockwork Orange was a novel, written mostly in Russian, by Anthony Burgess.  Stanley Kubrick is known to critics

  • Cultural Artifact Research Paper

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    So what? If this is planted in your mind, we all care. The unemployment rate in America is obviously under construction, so this cereal box, whether you know it or not is helping that cause. Cereal is one of the most popular and well-known breakfast items around the world, and is America’s favorite breakfast food. Cereal, specifically cocoa puffs, is a contribution to it’s cultural artifact

  • Types of Conditioning and Maslow's Hierarchy in A Clockwork Orange

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    paper is to show the different types of conditioning. It is also to make people better understand Maslow's hierarchy. Maslow explains basic needs for the normal person in his hierarchy. Classical and Opperant conditiong are shown in A Clockwork Orange. The film shows how Alex goes up and down the hierarchy. The film also shows in great detail what happens to Alex after classical conditioning. There will be further explanation and details on Watson and Pavlov and how they accomplished classical

  • High School Sandwich Research Paper

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    On the May long weekend, Hammy, our class hamster, was getting bored of the same old place so he decided to explore. He climbed to the top of our cage, flipped open the lid, and carefully slid down the tank onto the floor. Then he could smell something so good. It was coming from a classroom far in the corner. It was a sandwich! On the way to the classroom, he spotted a drip of water on the floor. He licked it up so quickly he barely tasted the water. He went into the classroom and snuck behind a

  • Sugar Cookie

    1181 Words  | 3 Pages

    Opening the refrigerator door, I locate two ingredients: eggs and butter. Grabbing the ingredients, I place them on the island sitting vertically in the middle of my rectangular kitchen. I then walk around the island to a cabinet to find baking powder and vanilla extract. Scanning and searching through all the spices and other items, I see the desired components. Finally, I walk across the kitchen to a cabinet standing high on my tippy toes because the protruding countertop makes the cabinet hard

  • Oranges Research Paper

    1804 Words  | 4 Pages

    A: Where and How are Oranges are Produced? Oranges are grown in many countries in the world. Some of these countries are: Brazil, the United States of America, China, EU-27, Mexico, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa, Morocco, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Argentina, Australia, Guatemala, Israel, Malaysia, Mozambique, Japan, Brazil, etc. The top three producers of oranges are: Brazil with 16,600 MT, the United states with 7,602 MT, and China with 7,000 MT. These countries contribute greatly to the worldwide production

  • Personal Narrative: A Simple Cookie

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    Walmart. Walking the aisles and viewing the merchandise, I spotted a medium sized box with the label “101 Cookie Cutters.” Instantly, I grabbed the box because my interest in baking was at its peak. “Mom, I need this.” I exclaimed while reading about the contents of the box. “No, put it back,” my mother replied. I placed the box back on the shelf, but it was not forgotten. For the next three days, I talked about the box nonstop until my father grew tired of hearing it and caved in. Next thing I knew

  • Halloween Party Essay

    1000 Words  | 2 Pages

    where, when and why, always providing a phone number and R.S.V.P date. Do not forget to write if there is a costume contest or something similar, add that info to the invite as well. For example, last year I homemade all the invitations from black and orange crepe paper, shaped as a scary pumpkin. I wrote all information related to the party, the date, time and location and we added a frightening phrase like:” Dark night, moonlight, the dead are raised, ghosts on the table! We invite you to "HAUNT" with