Sugar Cookie

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Opening the refrigerator door, I locate two ingredients: eggs and butter. Grabbing the ingredients, I place them on the island sitting vertically in the middle of my rectangular kitchen. I then walk around the island to a cabinet to find baking powder and vanilla extract. Scanning and searching through all the spices and other items, I see the desired components. Finally, I walk across the kitchen to a cabinet standing high on my tippy toes because the protruding countertop makes the cabinet hard to reach. In this cabinet, I find the flour and sugar. I examine all of the goods on the island. The ingredients needed for a sugar cookie recipe, I have made countless times for the last five years. I peer into the living room adjacent to the kitchen where I find my five year old brother, Gabriel, playing with a few Power Rangers on the carpet. “Do you want to make cookies?” I ask. Almost Immediately, he drops his toys, jumping up. I watched as he hauls a chair from the dining room table to the kitchen. Excitement and anticipation radiates off him like dog who has been given a treat. He positions the chair in front of the island where he yells, “Are you ready? Let’s do it.” Gabriel’s presence reminds me of the times I baked with my …show more content…

However, to me, they remind me of my family and friends. My cookies were a hit at home. Every time I made them, I anticipated my father’s reaction when he came home for work. “Oooh, you made cookies?” he would say. Then, I would make a sarcastic remark like, “Be careful, you need to watch those calories,” or, “Don’t eat too many.” The cookies would only last three days in my house because my brother, Miguel, would eat them quickly, nevering complimenting them, though. Sometimes, I made the cookies for a party in school or a family occasion; I loved it when my friends requested them. The cookies always brought my family and friends closer to each other and that is why I love them so

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