Taxila Essays

  • Taxila Museum

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction The local and foreign tourists visiting Taxila Museum would now be able to see more unique and attractive antiquities discovered from various ancient sites of Gandhara civilization. It would be for the first time since establishment of Taxila Museum in 1928 that visitors would see new display of antiquities here. According to sources the archeology department of Pakistan had accorded tender to a private firm for construction of the gallery with an aim of establishing as many as twenty-two

  • Gandhara Art: The Greco-Buddhist Art

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    INTRODUCTION Gandhara art, which is more popularly known as the Greco-Buddhist art, refers to an ancient district and culture or civilization that in one form or another existed from the 1st millennium BC till the 11th century AD. Although Gandhara went though a change in its geographical footprint over the period, its heart still lay in the valley of Peshawar. The Gandhara School of art is an art form dissimilar from the aniconic tradition of the early Indian sculptures and the tradition of

  • Compare And Contrast Mauryan And Byzantine Empires

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    As civilizations arose they began to differ in many ways dependant upon their geographic location. Such as, the Mauryan and Byzantine empires. Their geologic location determined the outside influences that could have shaped their religions and languages, adaptations of people and animals, and source of food, and etc. Both civilizations took their own courses of action to build their great Empires. They are as much similar as they are different in many ways. The location influenced many parts of each


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    1. INTRODUCTION Advertising is a type of marketing communication tool intended to inform and persuade potential audience to take some action in buying a product or service. The purpose of advertising is to create awareness of the product or service being advertised and provide information that will persuade the consumer to take action and make buying decision, not only to purchase but to repurchase and ultimately creating brand-loyal customers (Ayanwale et al., 2005). In today’s highly competitive

  • Ardhanarishvara Symbolism In Siva And Siva

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    2-armed Ardhanarishvara form, but later texts & sculptures illustrate a more intricate iconography. Other findings were the terracotta seal discovered in Vaishali which has half-man, half-woman features and a terracotta androgynous bust, excavated at Taxila dated to the Saka-Parthian era, which pictures a bearded man with female

  • Kushan Empire Research Paper

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    The Kushan Empire was from 20 to 280 AD. It started as a branch of the Yuezhi. Yuezhi is a confederation of culturally Indo-Europeans travelers who lived in Eastern Central Asia. Around the twentieth and thirtieth CE, the Kushan’s were the ancestors of the Huns. They established an independent empire in modern Afghanistan, Bactria, where they conquered the Scythians and the local Indo-Greek kingdoms. From that central location, the Kushan Empire became a wealthy trading focus between the peoples

  • Manuscripts Essay

    1748 Words  | 4 Pages

    Manuscripts in India The manuscript wealth of India is enormous. No one really knows how many manuscripts- in different languages and scripts. On palm leaf, birch bark, cloth, wood, stone and paper- exist, though an Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage survey in the late 1980s put the figure at 50 lakh. A good number of them have been catalogued, and lie preserved in libraries, museums and institutes, but experts are convinced that a still greater number remain undiscovered and undocumented

  • Pathologist Personal Statement

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is a well-known saying that someone who does nothing for his fellow human beings leads only a half-life. No other profession epitomizes this ideal better than the practice of medicine, which not only aims to restore health but also to protect it, irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity and religion. By choosing to become a doctor, I hope to not only become part of a fulfilling and noble profession, but also lead a full life. Ambition alone is useless unless combined with meaningful action

  • Importance Of Tourism In Pakistan Essay

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    of the Indus plain, merging in to the great desert, the coast line and wet lands. Pakistan remains ta land of high adventure and nature. The country's attraction range from the ruin of the Indus Valley Civilization such as Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa and Taxila, to the Himalayan hill stations. The romance of the historic Khyber province is timeless and legendary, Punjab province has the site of Alexander's battle on the Jhelum River and the historic city Lahore, Pakistan's cultural

  • Alexander The Great: A Military Genius

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    for Alexander. Alexander was taught about philosophy, medicine, and scientific investigation. Aristotle tutored Alexander for three years and would remain in contact with Eventually Alexander turned his eye toward India. The Indian King Omphis of Taxila surrendered to Alexander after hearing of his campaigns. The Aspasioi and Assakenoi tribes resisted his rule but he conquered them in battles throughout 327 and 326 BC. Alexander eventually met King Porus of Paurava at the Battle of the Hydaspes River

  • Cultural Heritage Essay

    2067 Words  | 5 Pages

    “Each piece of the past tells something of what we were or what we are. By enlarging our ties with past generations, we commit ourselves to future generations and we dignify the present.” (Quote from “Colombian Minister of Culture Elvira Cuervo de Jaramillo”) Past provides us with knowledge and understanding of our culture and traditions. These different cultures give people knowledge of their beliefs, religions and customs. Every culture has their own sacred places that help people to develop

  • Graeco-Buddhist Art in Gandhara

    975 Words  | 2 Pages

    Influence of one culture to another one is a common concept up until now. Even in this 21st century, we can see many influences which lead to an ending product mixed with two or more cultures. Similarly during the second century, there were vast amount of evidences in which we can see influence of Graeco-Roman art in Buddhist iconography (Fisher 1993). In a region called Gandhara (now Pakistan), we could easily see these kinds of influences in stone sculptures of Bodhisattvas. In this paper, we

  • An Analysis Of Kautilya's 'Arthahastra'

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    Abstract – In about 150 AD (the date is often disputed), Kautilya, also known as Chanakya and Vishnugupta, constructed the ‘Arthashastra’ and with its help proved to be the Kingmaker that he is recognized as today and established the Gupta dynasty. He is often regarded as ‘Arth’ meaning wealth, is one of the four aims of a Hindu life, ‘Kama’ (pleasure), ‘Dharm’ (duty) and ‘Moksh’ (salvation) being the other three. But it has a much wider interpretation of ‘Arth’ given by Kautilya through his ‘Arthashastra’

  • Before I Die

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    ''Before I die, I want to see where I was born,'' my father announced last fall at home in Katonah, N.Y., as our family was celebrating Diwali, the Hindu New Year. With that, my parents and I began making plans to travel to Pakistan. My father and his entire extended family fled from there in 1947, when India gained independence and was partitioned into Muslim Pakistan and mostly Hindu India. It was not a trip we had been expecting to take. My father's family left Lahore, where they had thought

  • Information Technology In Pakistan

    1429 Words  | 3 Pages

    Benazir's federal education minister was one Khurshid Shah, building contractor by profession, and Nawaz's, of all people, the proven corrupt and uncouth Ghous Ali Shah. And this in a land where the world's first university was established in 700 BC at Taxila, the ruins of which still stand at a few miles distance from the capital city. By comparison, the government of General Pervez Musharraf has chosen an educationist as its education minister and the science and technology portfolio has been handed

  • Supercomputers

    1494 Words  | 3 Pages

    A supercomputer is a workstation at the forefront of contemporary transforming limit – especially speed of count which can happen at velocities of nanoseconds. Supercomputers were presented in the 1960s, made at first and, for a long time, fundamentally by Seymour Cray at Control Data Corporation (CDC), Cray Research and ensuing organizations bearing his name or monogram. While the supercomputers of the 1970s utilized just a couple of processors, in the 1990s machines with many processors started

  • Alexanders Empire

    1861 Words  | 4 Pages

    Alexander's Empire The ancient Kingdom of Macedonia, situated in the north of modern Greece, was established by Perdiccas I about 640 B.C. Perdiccas was a Dorian, although the Macedonian tribes included Thracian and Illyrian elements. Originally a semibarbarous and fragmented power, Macedon became tributary to Persia under the Persian kings Darius I and Xerxes I and thereafter struggled to maintain itself against Thracians and other barbarians and against the Greek cities of the Chalcidice as well

  • Culture Of Pakistan Essay

    2041 Words  | 5 Pages

    Pakistan a very large country with a very diverse culture, over the years Pakistan been it invaded by many different countries to include Arabs, Persians, Huns and many countries form the European Continent, which have influenced the culture of Pakistan. The culture in Pakistan resembles that of the western world in things such as movies, music as well as sports. Pakistani movie companies produce at least 40 films a year with movies concerning anything of India illegal, music is also very popular

  • Strategic Analysis of Pearl Continental Pakistan

    3406 Words  | 7 Pages

    COMPANY PROFILE Our vision We are committed to dynamic growth and service excellence built upon our heritage of traditional hospitality. We strive to consistently meet and surpass guests, employees and others stakeholders expectations. We feel pride in making efforts to position Pakistan in the forefront of the international arena. Our Core Values - G.R.I.T Growth & Development Recognition & Reward Innovation Trust Recognition and Reward Achievement orientation Performance-based

  • History Of Social Stratification

    6470 Words  | 13 Pages

    II.2. Social Stratification The Indian concept of social stratification is peculiar. It is based on what is called Vanna (Varna). Before and during the Buddha?s time, the people were classified according to Vanna. In the Vedic period, the stratification was based on the religious faith. The Rg-veda, the earliest source of the Br?hmnical theory, described the origin of human beings: ?the Br?hman was his (purusha?s) mouth; the R?jahya was made arms; the being (called) Vaisya, he was his thighs; the