SPSS Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of Traditional Dating

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    Finding love can be frustrating experience that is full of rejection, uncertainty and pain. Unless you are set-up by friends or meet someone at work you are typically meeting someone at a public social gathering. Starting a conversation with someone in social settings that you don’t know can cause anxiety, be embarrassing, discouraging and can turn you off from the entire process. Traditional dating means meeting your partner in person at a public place. Sometimes this can be very time-consuming

  • Spss Data Analysis Essay

    1566 Words  | 4 Pages

    An SPSS data analysis was conducted to synthesis and analyse the raw results. Through the SPSS software, a t-test was conducted for the three sets of data obtained. For hypothesis 1 and 2, an independent t-test was conduced and for hypothesis 3 a repeated measures t-test was conducted. An Independent-samples t-test with an alpha level of .05 was used to compare children with a traumatic brain injury against an orthopaedic control. At both 7 and 13 years old, those in the OC group had a higher mean

  • Quantitative Data Anaylsis Using the IBM SPSS Statistics Software

    3081 Words  | 7 Pages

    This paper is an illustration of quantitative data analysis using the IBM SPSS Statistics software. It does not provide the details of technical skill to operate SPSS but focuses on developing a set of decisions and actions in order to set up, describe, manipulate and analyse data in the specific context of the study of Jackson and Mullarkey (2000). In order to fulfil the task, this paper illustrates a step-by-step of actions that were made on the data. It also gives the insight into the determination

  • SPS Component Analysis: 1006 Inuit Children

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    (Laureate Education, 2015). the SPSS software was used to analyze the data. Procedure Factor Analysis was conducted using the SPSS software with the aim to reduce the minimal number of factors, and to make easy interpretation of the questionnaire. A Parallel Analysis and SPSS Component Analysis was also conducted. Five items were then taken from each of the Five IPIP (Goldberg, 1993) scales “(Extraversion, Neuroticism, Openness, Agreeableness & Conscientiousness)”;

  • Theoretical Framework Essay

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    CHAPTER 3 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Introduction This chapter will show the method which is used to do this research. Factors that affect the sustainability of the SMEs in Perlis will be investigated in this research. 3.2 Theoretical Framework Independent variables Dependent Variables H1 : Leadership will give effect on the SMEs sustainability. H2 : Network will give effect on the SMEs sustainability

  • Research Frameworks Of Theoretical Frameworks

    1679 Words  | 4 Pages

    Spallation Source The type of spallation neutron source presently in operation at for example ISIS, an SPSS produces short duration, bright neutron pulses for high resolution neutron scattering. To get the reliable statistics of our study we used SPSS software to compute data as to minimise standard error that usually occur with studies that depended upon Excel and Words processing software. Through using SPSS software we did descriptive analysis of data that we able to generate while writing of research

  • Study Design for Customer Loyalty to Restaurants

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    A methodology is written to ensure that the findings created from a study are reliable and valid to ensure that the correct research instruments are utilised (Marczyk et al., 2010). The purpose of this chapter is to detail the process of this study to achieve the aim and objective using a combination of primary and secondary research methods. It is found that a large range of literature regarding the topic of brand loyalty and customer satisfaction. However, there is a shortage of literature within

  • Safe Nurse Staffing Proposal Essay

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    to include weekly staffing numbers and corresponding weekly HCAHPS scores. Registered nurse, (RN), staffing levels will correspond with the Nursing Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2017. The study will utilize SPSS, (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), to collect and compare the data.

  • Qualitative And Quantitative Research Methodology

    982 Words  | 2 Pages

    Research Methodology Qualitative and Quantitative Research Qualitative Research Definition The word qualitative assumes an emphasis on the qualities of object and on processes and meanings that are not experimentally examined or measured from the point of quantity, amount, depth, or periodicity. Qualitative researchers accent the socially constructed nature of actuality, the close relationship between the researcher and what is studied, and the situational imperatives that shape demands. Researchers

  • Survey Design Paper

    857 Words  | 2 Pages

    among the students in the MPA program at Penn State. Click here for the detailed Survey Design Paper instructions. Here is an example: Belle County Example Self Study Activities Lessons 8-12 focus on the methods of conducting statistical analyses using SPSS. In each of these lessons, there is a self-study activity for you to practice. You are encouraged to practice using as many data sets as necessary until you feel comfortable conducting the analyses. These self study activities are designed to help

  • Pt1420 Unit 5 Assignment

    1787 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction For this SPSS final assignment, we will follow our step by step to create supporting statistical output that will include graphs and tables that will assimilate our text and the appropriate data set in their correct place within our research document. Then analyze and explain each section and the variables so that we can gain a much better understanding of the one-way ANOVA and GPA. Description of Data File For our data set, we will explore the association amongst quiz 3 and the section

  • Inclussive Teaching

    1109 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction Problem background Many children face big challenges because of the inclusive education, with a greater number from poorer countries failing to attend schools while the others from rich countries attending classes but ends up leaving unworthy qualifications (Ainscow, 2). Disabled students have the right to good education and feel free to interact with others in classrooms which help them to get rid of loneliness and therefore reducing the stresses. Research question From the research

  • Importance Of Teamwork In Healthcare

    920 Words  | 2 Pages

    General research question – what was the reason for this study? This study wanted to know if there are deep contextual factors that influence a team’s performance in healthcare. And provide evidence-based recommendations on teamwork training programs (such as content, duration and frequency of programs). Healthcare depends on good teamwork and communication of healthcare providers. But there needs to be further study of two aspects; firstly study in a hospital setting the effects of understanding/validating

  • Statistical Analysis: The Collected Data Groundwork And Data Analysis

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    groundwork The responses gathered through the research instrument were entered numerically into SPSS 16 software. All the key variables were identified as scale measures in SPSS as the five point Likert scale used in the research instrument. All the cases were screened for missing values and ensure the completeness of the data. For negative questions in the questionnaire, recoded command was applied in SPSS to turn into positive way. Subsequently, data was arranged for the statistical analysis that

  • Importance Of Organizational Survival

    3349 Words  | 7 Pages

    Organizational survival is a relative term which is being conceptualized by organizations differently. Organization has multiple goals or functions to achieve and also exist in an environment beclouded with unpredictable inputs. Organizations are social system and several parties have their stake in organizations, hence, they do not exist in isolation. For an organization to survive, it must have the capacity to adapt, maintain itself and grow, regardless of the particular function it fulfils(Khanka

  • Persuasive Essay On My Pillow Advertising

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lose weight quickly and easily (Consumer Reports, 2017)! Prepare wholesome meals in minutes (Consumer Reports, 2017)! Remove stains and odors effortlessly in seconds (Consumer Reports, 2017)! Who has not seen an infomercial that state at least one of these bold claims (Consumer Reports, 2017)? The company, My Pillow, makes a bold claim for what it calls the most comfortable pillow ever owned, including an exact custom fit (Lehrman, 2016). The foam pieces interlock and hold that position without going

  • Intro To Criminology

    1210 Words  | 3 Pages

    Personal Biography 1. When I was growing up, I always wanted to be a police officer. After getting accepted into Millersville University, I knew I had to find the major that will lead me to fulfill my dreams. Now that I’m getting deeper into the Sociology Criminology major, I am seeing that the options for the path I chose are endless. 2. My approach towards sociology would definitely be a careerist. In my opinion, I know what I want to do, and that’s what I’m going to do. I decided I wanted to be

  • Essay On Strategic Quality Management

    760 Words  | 2 Pages

    Instrument/s of Data Collection: Close ended questionnaires will be used for the purpose of data analysis and the reliability of the questionnaires will be checked by using SPSS. Statistical Tests to be used: Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) technique will be the best suitable technique for the purpose of data analysis by using SPSS. Possible Research Findings: The related literature provides the basis for the possible research findings. This indicates that there will be a higher

  • Research Design and Methodology on Factors That Lead to Teacher Retention

    1881 Words  | 4 Pages

    During the past fifteen years the attrition rate has grown to over 50% with the turnover rate at almost 17% per year nationally (Teaching and America’s Future, 2007). Finding teachers isn’t always the problem, especially in today’s economy with high quality teachers easier to find than in years past. The problem isn’t finding the teachers, but rather keeping them in our schools. It is especially difficult to keep them in schools that are high-poverty, high-minority, and low-performing schools. We

  • shyli

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    normal range i.e., 15.4 mg/dl. Out of 55 breast cancer patients established breast cancer patients [32(60%)] have shown larger serum sialic acid values than newly diagnosed breast cancer patients [23(40%)]. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software and the P-value was found to be <0.0001 which is significant. Conclusion: At present, as there is no single treatment known to bring a definite cure for breast cancer, one of the possible solutions for combating breast cancer is through identification