Statistical Analysis: The Collected Data Groundwork And Data Analysis

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4.8. Statistical analysis
The collected data groundwork and data analysis are the two segments in the statistical analysis. These two parts are presented in the following sub sections.

4.8.1. Data groundwork
The responses gathered through the research instrument were entered numerically into SPSS 16 software. All the key variables were identified as scale measures in SPSS as the five point Likert scale used in the research instrument. All the cases were screened for missing values and ensure the completeness of the data. For negative questions in the questionnaire, recoded command was applied in SPSS to turn into positive way. Subsequently, data was arranged for the statistical analysis that discuss in coming sections.

4.8.2. Data analysis techniques …show more content…

The univariate measures of mean, standard deviation are used primarily to understand the nature of the distribution of the variables. In the second stage, correlation analysis is applied to assess the association between the variables. Finally, for the purpose of assessing the research hypotheses and conceptual model, structural equation modeling is used as the multivariate analysis. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is calculated to ensure the internal consistency and composite reliability. Two step approaches are considered to complete the data analyses (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). Confirmatory Factor Analysis is used to estimate the measurement model as the first step. The purpose of the analysis is to ensure the reliability and validity of the concerned constructs in the study. Structural model consisting hypotheses is tested using the structural equation modeling as the second step. The purpose of this testing is to test the hypotheses involved in the conceptual

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