Resource-based view Essays

  • Market-Based View and Resource-Based View of Innovation

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    Two schools of thought exist on the drivers of innovation: the market-based view and resource-based view of innovation. The market-based view of innovation is founded on the premise that innovative organisations attempt to exploit changing market conditions. Market conditions are said to provide the initial conditions that govern the direction and quantity of an organisations innovative activities. Tidd et al (2001) assert that innovative organisations are those that scan their environment to absorb

  • Essay On Resource Based View

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    firms to compete in products and service delivery. The best services and products have been produced due to the increase in the bettering of the human resources. A firm needs to implement unique survival techniques within its environment for competitive advantage. Sources have ultimately evolved from being financial resources to technological resources and now its human capital. These propose that the success of a firm is dependent on the attitudes of the employees, skills and competencies. These are

  • Analysis Of 3M

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    the resource based view. Aims and Objectives. Within this report I will be taking a resource based view of 3M. Firstly, I will aim to explain and evaluate the importance of capabilities and how they contribute to gaining a competitive advantage for 3M. I will then go onto evaluate 3M’s strategic capabilities using different tools and frameworks, leading onto a conclusion stating how 3M use resource based view to gain competitive advantage, considering implications of the resource based view and is

  • Strategic Management in Business

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    Strategy is known as in which ways firms manage with the external and internal situations which is going around with the corporate world, which are vibrant and promising. Corporate rivals, new trends and technologies all transform time to time. Companies ought to exploit their entire strategic assets which conclude specially their workers, manage with stakeholders like financial contributor and providers in order to meet customer expectation and satisfaction. At times it is compulsory that they deal

  • VRIO Model: The Resource-Based View Of Strategic Management

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    Resource based view of strategic management and how it adds to strategic management. Resource-based view (RBV) is a design or strategy, which gives priority to resources as a firm identifies distinctive competence in realising sustainable competitive advantage. These resources are either tangible or intangible in nature. tangible resources are those that have physical attributes, such as land, capital, equipment, plant, and machinery. contrary, intangible resources have no physical appearance, however

  • Trace The Development Of Strategic Human Resource Management From The Resource Based View Of The Firm

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    Today, human resources are seen as "the available talents and energies of people who are available to an organization as potential contributors to the creation and realization of the organization's mission, vision, strategy and goals" (Jackson and Schuler, 2000, p. 37).There exist two models that seek to describe what strategy is and how an organization should develop such strategy. The first model known as the Industrial Organization (I/O) model is based on the assumption that firms competing in

  • Global Strategy: Competitiveness View Of Global Perspective

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    Industry competitiveness view of global strategy versus the resource-based view Global strategy refers to the conscious and tactical plans laid by organisations in a bid to fit into worldwide business arena (David, 2012, p. 49). Companies have embraced different methods and views of how to exert authority and gain the upper hand in terms of competitiveness on the global platform. The two commonest approaches are the competitiveness and resource-based views of global strategy. Despite their effectiveness

  • Benefits Of Strategic Management

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    tougher.1 There are 2 major views of alternative model of superior returns. Industrial organization (I/O) view and resource-based view. The industrial organization view focuses on the structural forces within an industry, the competitive environment of firms and how these influence competitive advantage. The external environment determines the potential for profits. Firms within the same industry have similar resources and pursuer similar strategies. Resources are mobile across firms (because

  • Resources and Capabilities Report: McDonald´s

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    have selected Mc Donald’s as an organization on which I would be making this report. I would be discussing Mc Donald’s competitive advantages over other organizations by applying a Resource based view of strategy. This report would highlight the resources and capabilities Mc Donald’s has and how can it utilize those resources to gain competitive advantage over its rivals. Introduction of Mc Donald’s Mc Donald’s is world’s famous fast food restaurant chain consisting of 34000 local restaurants. It is

  • Advantages And Methods Of A Successful Business Strategy

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    attention on essential features of a successful strategy and methods of developing and maintaining a competitive advantage. Vu’s conclusion of competitive business strategies associated with dynamic and flexibility, the comparison between the resource-based view and the industrial organization

  • Financial Management Capability Case Study

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    study. In view of this, the literature reviewed were those that concentrate on financial management capability, financial resources, financial management skills, performance, and eatery business. Financial Management Capability The capability research of the firm encompasses a broad group of scholarship built on the combined basis of partly overlapping theoretical frameworks. It ranges from the resource- based views and knowledge-based views (Wu, Y., 2011). In the knowledge-based views, viewing

  • Theories Of SHRM

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    The field of Strategic human resource management (SHRM) has become a “happy hunting ground for academics” and Colbert (2004) validates it by stating that SHRM is an accumulated “plethora of statement, theories, concepts and arguments”. It is evident from these statements that there are various theories and approaches to SHRM. According to Boxall & Purcell (2000), Strategic human resource management refers to the alignment of human resource practices to strategic goals of an organization. Amongst

  • A Institution Based View Of International Business

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    over the years. Peng (2002) touched upon the importance of institutions and states that there is substantial room to integrate the more established resource-based view with the emerging institution-based view of business strategy. Peng notes that it is important to recognise that these perspectives are not mutually exclusive. The institution-based view supplements and enriches mainstream strategy research by drawing attention to the often overlooked importance of institutions, both formal and informal

  • The Emerging Field of Social Entrepreneurship

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    pursue new opportunities to serve the particular mission at hand. Social entrepreneurs engage in a process of continuous innovation, adaption and learning. With these components, social entrepreneurs are able to act without being limited by current resources. They are accountable to the constituencies served and for outcomes created as a result of their actions (Dees, 1998). Although social entrepreneurs usually start rather small their initiatives often have global relevance, issues such as unemployment

  • Dynamic Capabilities Of Apple

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    Dynamic capabilities refer to the ability of an organization for addressing the rapidly changing business environment by integrating, developing and reconfiguring the internal as well as external competencies. The concept of dynamic capabilities is based on the purpose of developing long-term competitive advantage. Apple is considered as one of the most innovative companies of the world due to the creation of differentiated products such as iPod, iPhone and iMac (D’Aveni, Dagnino & Smith, 2010). It

  • Theoretical Literature: Definition Of Export Performance

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    2.2 Theoretical Literature Review 2.2.1 Definition of export performance The dictionary meaning of Export performance is the relative success or failure of the efforts of a firm or nation to sell domestically-produced goods and services in other nations. Export performance can be described in objective terms such as sales, profits, or marketing measures or by subjective measures such as distributor or customer satisfaction. Export performance refers to the outcomes of a firm’s export activities

  • Traditional Ecological Knowledge

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    conservation of natural resources Nature as w e know it means different things to different people. To an economist, natural is often seen as a resource to be transformed and put in readiness for human use. An alternative view is that humans are stewards who should care for natural things as well as making use of nature’s bounty. Another view is that nature of animism, which sees nature as a living thing, something to be respected and not controlled. Some native American’s view the earth as a sacred

  • Interactive Cable Archives and Videoconferencing

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    Interactive and digital technologies are now recognized as tools by which educators can bring unique resources into the classroom (Schutte, 1998; Wise, 2002) and engage students in dynamic, self-constructed learning (Branzburg, 2001). The use of technology as a tool that supports instruction and learning is transforming the traditional way of teaching; both digital and geographically located resources now offer an enriched content that was not available to earlier generations (Branzburg, 2001). As a

  • Samsung Human Resource Management Case Study

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    environment, the Strategic Human Resource Management should be introduced to the organization’s operation. SHRM refers to the approach which is used to manage people for the sake of achieving the organizations goal by integrating HR strategies, policies and practices with business strategies. (Armstrong, 2011) Three main models are usually used to achieve high performance in the organization, which are the Universalist approach, Contingency approach and Resource Based View. It is crystal clear that

  • Indigenous People’s View of the Conservation of Resources

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    First, I will talk about the indigenous people’s view of the conservation of resources which can also be termed as the traditional ecological knowledge and the economist view of natural resources. Second, I will argue in this essay that by thinking of resources from the traditional ecological point of view, we can better understand why conserving our natural resources is important. I believe that we understanding why conservation of our natural resources is important will go a long way in helping us