Public eProcurement Essays

  • Good Governance

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    programs, in response to the above-cited issues. Body In connection to the first strategic framework, which is to ensure high-quality, efficient, transparent, accountable, financially and physically accessible and nondiscriminatory delivery of public service particularly, the creation of a single portal, aside from online version of the Official Gazette, which is the country's official main publication, online Philippine Information Agency (PIA) was also created as the country's ... ... middle

  • athletic director

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    regulations. Represents the university as its primary spokesperson for the intercollegiate athletics program; oversees public relations with faculty, staff, students, alumni, sports media, and the general public; works with the Assistant Athletic Director for External Relations and the Director for Media Relations to develop and implement public relations policies and objectives. Accepts public speaking engagements to promulgate department philosophies and objectives. Coordinates and supervises men=s basketball

  • Situational Theory Essay

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    Introduction Situational Theory of Publics In order to understand both, the aspects and complexities regarding Situational Theory of Publics, one must first understand the theory in itself. Situational Theory considers a public as a, “section of the community having a particular interest or connection” (Oxford, 2016). This theory locates and identifies publics by a given genre, the genre being that particular interest or connection. Each public is a group or audience of people with the potential

  • The Fears of Public Speaking: "The Lights, Their Eyes, and My Voice"

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    front stage experience wasn’t petrifying. It was just obvious that I was afraid of public speaking, and, unfortunately, I still am today. Speaking publically makes me feel uncomfortable, requires the delivery of personal opinion with the risk of harsh criticism, and is just one of those things I don’t like making a mistake in. It’s important to make eye contact and to have the right facial expressions in the art of public speaking, but, for me, it is discomforting and can cause me to stutter a little

  • Early Quaker Women in Ministry

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    general public. “For Quakers, [ministry] encompassed not just preaching, prophecy, and other overtly ‘religious’ activity, but also any witnessing to the faith, be it in the home, the marketplace or workplace…. An example had to be set in all those places” (58). Many Quaker women performed more feminine tasks in addition to preaching and teaching (43). For example, they saw to the poor and needy, with extra care given to less fortunate Quakers (58). Other women set an example to public officials

  • Inherit The Wind

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    was superior to the other’s. 	Brady loved the public. He knew that, even before the time of radio and television, if he controlled the media, he controlled the masses. Thus, his first move every time was to choose the side which the public sided with, knowing that people listened to what they wanted to hear, which would be him, so he would essentially become the media. And thus, he would create a flock of loyal followers. And with the public behind him, a case was usually much simpler. Besides

  • Not In My Backyard Attitude Interferes with Resolutions

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    achieve. A typical NIMBY conflict, such as a proposal for a landfill site in a vacant lot behind a low-income housing district, often carries with it controversial problems of environmental justice, distributional equity, and procedural justice. The public affected by the Locally Unwanted Land Use (LULU) raises questions such as ãwhy me?ä and ãyou're targeting me just because I'm a minority.ä Some people find out they are affected by a LULU after it is approved, and claim that they had no notification

  • Hannah Arendt Public Intellectuals

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    Public Intellectuals and Impassioned Publics The 2012 film Hannah Arendt depicts the struggle between passion and reason. Hannah Arendt’s safety is directly threatened because of her articles on the trial of Adolf Eichmann. The public saw her stance as being too sympathetic to Eichmann, since she describes him as ordinary and mediocre. The impassioned belief that Eichmann must be an evil, scary monster was not affirmed in her writing. Due to this, the public lashed out against her. The mentality

  • Social apathy is a problem in today’s world.

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    The amount of situations appear with public indifference is increasing in current community. This lack of perception for general public is concern. There is a recent case in China, Yue-yue, a two-years old girl was run over twice, ignored by eighteen passers-by in seven minutes without any aid and finally passed out. This paper agrees with the belief that social apathy is an issue in today’s world. There are two main reasons for this: first, the scare emotion of the negative outcome after assist

  • Gee Whiz Mark 2 Case Study

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    rules established by the National Society of Professional Engineers that all engineers are expected to adhere to. In essence, the fundamental tenets of this code are that all engineers are expected to prioritize public safety, as well as be honest with their clients and the general public while only doing work that they are qualified to do. (“Code of Ethics,” n.d.). The reason this code is crucial in this case is because it offers guiding principles for the men and women who are in charge of so many

  • Argumentative Essay On Celebrities

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    We treat public figures as characters that we should be able to research the background on and/or write letters to the editor to criticize or evaluate their behavior. People should be appreciated for being good at their job, but live their lives in private. Their

  • Public Relations

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    Robert I. Wakefield probably gives one of the best definitions of Public Relations when he stated, "All public relations should exist to preserve a consistent reputation and build relationships" (This is PR 1). This is a very broad and generic scope that does not necessarily infer any type of ethical behavior nor implies any sense of right or wrong with what is generally referred to as "spin. The bottom line for any company is to make a profit. Why else would they be in business? The book, This is

  • Internet Harassment: The Flip Side of Internet Fame

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    In the article The Flip Side of Internet Fame by Jessica Bennett, Internet harassment is thoroughly made aware to inform active social network users of its solemnity. Real life scenarios of people who suffered from public humiliation or social desecration are presented. Bennett makes her argument conclusive by addressing her audiences' pathos and ethos appeal, sourcing credible individuals throughout the article and stressing the agony and ignominy that the listed individuals perceived. Furthermore

  • Teall For America, By Wendy Kopp's Teach For America

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    America continues to grow from an outside force for change into an army of soldiers of change to make systemic transformation possible, a closer look needs to be taken on how the organization puts itself forward to the general public. I strongly believe that the current public relations model is outdated and is in need of a refresh in order to truly reflect the diverse membership and to effectively counter biased misconceptions of the brand.

  • Cases of Violence in Sports and How They Should Be Handled

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    Cases of Violence in Sports and How They Should Be Handled Violence in sports will always be a big issue although I don't think it will ever be truly resolved. In sports there is competition and where there is competition people are striving to be the best. There is a lot of strong emotion when people are trying to win for themselves or for their team. In sports as long as there is competition and high emotion, there will always be the potential for violence. The intense competition that is

  • Disaster Response and Artifact Conservation at Museums

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    To achieve our stated purpose and to greatly improve our communication with the public and media, we must select a Communications Coordinator. c. The Coordinator will be expected to initiate, disseminate, and coordinate all aspects of our communications with the general public. d. For much of our history there have been articles on the numerous activities of the 8th Hussars, 8th PLNB Hussars, and the 8th Yeomanry Cavalry featured

  • Importance Of Agenda Setting In Public Relations

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    Public relations practitioners are often described as an organization’s voice, positioning messages in the media to ensure the organization is perceived as beneficial, relevant, and credible. According to Zoch and Molleda (2006), this role is defined as “media relations” and is a pivotal aspect of the public relations profession. Two theoretical frameworks, agenda setting and framing are at the core of effective media engagement. Agenda setting is the process determining which social issues dominate

  • Nike Case Analysis

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    Nike Case Analysis With the increased monitoring and enforcement of labour practices; Nike being in the public spotlight and subject to negative publicity on their subcontracted factories is forced to readjust the working conditions of their cross ocean factory workers to abide with proper regulations. This has caused Nike to modify their factory standards and employee working conditions by; limiting the maximum hours worked a week, implementing proper ventilation systems to filter out toxic fumes

  • Social Media Code Of Ethics Essay

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    As someone who sees their future in the social media sphere of public relations, I found it necessary to revisiting the PRIA code of ethics and explore if the same rules apply. Increasingly businesses and individuals are using social media to communicate messages to the public, but are they following the same ethics that public relation practitioners would be if they were using tradition platforms of media? The PRIA code of ethics was established to promote high standards of practice, define acceptable

  • Budweiser Public Relations Campaign

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    A public relations campaign is defined as a number of events that all share a specific goal. A public relations campaign can often help an organization or company with public opinion. In public relations, there are steps to the process as we discussed in the past lesson. The key to public relations includes research, planning, and problem solving. These organizations do their research as to what is politically correct, and what is wrong. Based on the what society thinks is politically correct, these