Point Loma Nazarene University Essays

  • Seeking Admission to a University

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    circumstances. As an “Operation Iraqi Freedom” combat veteran, I have succeeded in fulfilling my duty to our country; my duty to serve others however, has not ended. All of my life’s work—personal, occupational, and educational—seem to have led me to this point in space and time. Professional Career Goals: I have earned my Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences with a 3.65 GPA in my major. Thus, I am positive that I have met the requisite preparation for the rigorous road ahead of me. By way of wisdom

  • Compare And Contrast Paper Airplanes

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    plane. Both of these stories have a compelling lesson for understanding that failure is not a reason to give up but a driving force to fuel creativity and continue to pursue your goals in life and why I want to purse a master’s Degree at Point Loma Nazarene University. When building a paper plane you take a sheet of paper and fold it a couple of times until you have something that resembles an airplane. A paper airplane is quick you fold it, you try it, and ultimately you crash. However, crashing fuels

  • Pressure To Achieve Good Grades Essay

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    external. Pressure from parents, peers, and schools can result in stress, the desire to cheat, or physical and mental illnesses. Pressure to achieve good grades can cause a student to have high levels of stress. Researchers at the UK 's University of Reading conducted a study with more than 3,500 German students on a student’s ability to achieve expectations. In the study, “[t]hey

  • Immigrant Childhood: Navigating Language and Poverty

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    My parents arrived in the United States hoping for a better future not for themselves, but for the baby they carried in their arms. We would often move from relatives ' houses since my parents couldn’t afford renting an apartment themselves. We were fortunate enough to have caring relatives who didn 't mind us living with them since they knew the hardships we were going through. I grew up in a household where only Spanish was spoken given that both my parents didn’t speak any English at all. When

  • Criminal Justice Personal Statement

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    academically. I widely reject the thought of my kids growing up thinking that any profession is too prestigious for them to obtain. It would be no greater role model for the rejection of that thought than my kids seeing me graduate from Point Loma Nazarene University in a few months and eventually Law school. I know I am going to be a great Attorney and I also know that it will not be an easy journey and I will have many sleepless nights studying and writing but using my children as the motivation

  • Bedside To Place Feeding Tubes: Case Study

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    The Use of Technology at the Bedside to Place Feeding Tubes Amy D. Kramer Point Loma Nazarene University   Introduction Artificial nutritional support is often necessary to enhance the nutritional status of acutely or critically ill patients. Nasogastric and post-pyloric feeding tubes are relied upon to provide the caloric and nutritional support required. There are approximately 1.2 million feeding tubes placed annually in the United States (Koopmann, Kudsk, & Szotkowski, 2011; Krenitsky,